Another Year in Our Lives….

      Many things happen daily in our lives. Some  of these things are planned  and some are not. We accept and deal with these things or events  and continue  on  as a part of our “living” process. In this process we have the option of choice and the choices we make often dictate the events that follow.

Not wanting  to be personal but the choices we make in our government often dictate our quality of life . On a long term basis, yearly, or for decades, these choices affect our daily life as we try to fit our other choices around them.  They,  those “choices” could very well expand into life or death moments.

There in lies our prognosis for our future and the future of our family and our larger family, humanity.

It seems to me that in earlier moments of time we we were limited by our lack of ability to communicate freely and by our lack of ability to understand information due to educational short comings and fear that was not softened by religious dogma or leaders that were selfish and inhumane

All of these conditions have changed as we progressed in time and some conditions have disappeared. We can now communicate through technology freely and without an “interpreter”. We are much more collectively “literate” and education is being valued and appreciated all over our planet We now understand what we want to, on our terms and our own personal values.

This sets the table for 2012 and all that we may choose to address in this year. One of the events scheduled for this year and every four years forward is the election of our leaders here in the United States of America.

Ours is a relatively new nation by comparison, and collectively is a composite of all the nations and cultures of this planet. Our country is  unique in that fashion and simultaneously contains all the differences that constitute the fragments of  human life everywhere. I am so proud that I am an American, if I had to be nationalistic. One of my earlier Chess buddies called me a “cosmopolite”..I liked that too even though I am still not sure just what he meant.

The structure of all governments rise or fall on the people. In this new nation, America, we have rapidly passed through many stages of human social change and even reform. The election of 2008 presented many options but only two clear choices . These choices were to go on as in the past or to embrace the truth and honesty of the reality we were confronted with . My country chose the latter.

Part of the past was the human resource that is reflected in The Republican party.This group of individuals managed to compile all of the sick and most detrimental traits of humanity in their actions and purpose into the last or Bush administration.

They not only exhibited these revolting habits at large but they reveled in them.They compounded the felonies over and again with lies and hypocrisy. They made my nation see that those past habits were not to be tolerated or continued .They brought about the need for change and brought change into a necessary reality.

Now, let me me be  first to say we are all faulty , being human. We all possess some if not all of the weaknesses that these Republicans show. However, I, for one, want to be a “better” person as I live. I want others to be treated honestly and fairly. I want to live and live well but not at the expense of others. I ,above all,want the freedom and equality and justice for all of my human family. I realize that this may not happen in my life time. It may very well be a work in progress as long as we humans have life.This progress must continue as I see and feel it .I am sure now more than ever that it will.

Going back to the past,  the racism, elitism, bigotry at all levels, murder, and general disregard for “other” humans is finished,  over , history. We, as a people, represented at large here in the United States, have implemented change. We are in progress now.

The Republican party as we knew it has not accepted that fact. The sordid group of people that are offered as representatives are clear reflections of their lack of honesty, with themselves to say nothing of others. They are an abominable group. It is sad that  because of their commitment to being racist, clearly, above all other faults, they would rather wallow in their porcine feces rather than embrace the beginning of a new time for all humanity.

The Election of 2012..Democracy, A Work in Progress

          In 2008 Barack Obama was elected president of the United States. His opponents were John McCain and Sarah Palin. They represented the Republican party at that time after a tedious and embarrassing search through assorted misfits, liars and  political criminals.

The Bush administration, Republican, which had been in office for eight years, was a gross disaster of epic proportions. Killing thousands of people in wars that were fostered on the American table by lying to the congress and the people of the United States, they pressed on.

They destroyed the economy, the financial stability,  national industries (Banks,Auto) and then plundered the resources while sending the national debt to depths that seemed unrecoverable. They left office slinking away. Totally unable to be public in support of their new candidates or show their presence, these greedy racists  remain in the shadows.

It remains a burning curiosity of mine that they can still continue their lives without being held accountable. They and they alone caused the deaths of over four thousand American armed forces personnel and an estimated one million innocent Iraq citizens.

Their depravity has resulted in the destruction and end of the Republican party as we once knew it. The remnants of that sordid  group cannot show their public presence in support of any one or group without bringing the stigma of stench with them.

I, for one, will not mourn their demise or the death of that party. The thinking that prevailed is still being nurtured and fed. We, the people, are left with a pitiful choice from the usual suspects who cannot stomach themselves on the morning after exposure. Their friends, families and the nation wince in reflection. The agony remains from their long period of greed, racist and separatist design.

The Republicans did not own these flaws alone. These are human faults at large , unfortunately. The Republicans did employ and reinforce these human cruelties with emphasis and without any intention to change or be humane in this last Bush administration.

It has taken a sharp contrast in executive leadership to show how these dastardly political maneuvers effect everyone clearly.

These activities and the thinking that propels them have no place in a democratic society. These manipulations cannot be clothed or hidden ever again. The people that employ those ills are no longer acceptable in any way especially on the ballot.

However, within a Democracy, a work in progress must continue to  persist. The dredges of society that previously prevailed still exist. The examples lie in people like Gingrich, Bachmann, Tea party affiliates that threaten constantly to disrupt any progress.

Having managed to promote some sadistic, selfish, mentally petite  individuals into Congress, they have managed to hinder all movement for the good and welfare of all Americans and humans at large. These dingle-berries will do anything to obstruct the passing of laws that would make life worth living for the minority and for the majority.

They cannot reverse the passing of a health act, that has the possibility of insuring care for everyone. They cannot alter the fact that unemployment is  ending …I repeat ..ending, in a rush..They cannot continue making war and killing innocent armed forces personnel and humans of other countries like they did in Iraq. They cannot terrorize our population and future with pretending to search for a creep like BinLadin and his Al-Quaeda cronies while stealing from the taxpayer with bankrupting bills from their chosen  corrupt suppliers.   The soldiers are home from Iraq.

They still stubbornly and with unbelievable stupidity choose to use any ploy to obstruct this administration. The reason is simple. They are racists and separatists , children of the same and reared amongst the lies and inhumanity of that thinking. They cannot accept the fact that it was all a huge lie..A horrendous crime against all humanity and the slave was not the only victim. A crime that my country, America, has to eventually cleanse from it’s very soul and in the process, perhaps, from the planet.

No,  that time is thankfully over and the removal of its remains are being swept from Iraq and the mid-east methodically. It is being weeded out of our government with a  patience and respect that can only come in a Democracy, governed with thought and purpose and supported by a people committed to freedom and justice for all.

This “Democracy”… is taking hold after that stunning result of 2008.

My Giants…at Peril

The Coach Tom Coughlin is true to form.

A nice , probably, grandfatherly type guy without any imagination or ability to accept responsibility for failure. He has injured more players. He has insulted and put his best players careers at risk. The fact that he has lost a game to any team is irrelevant.

The man is demoralizing his players and their fans and is injuring them with his self destructive  offense. He is totally incompetent. His inability to be fair or honest to himself or  his players, especially Brandon Jacobs borders on criminal.

This coach is conducting a serial train wreck with his players , fans, GM and franchise as victims. He and he alone will be responsible for the health and career collapse of Eli Manning.  He should be discharged ASAP or immediately…

The owners, Mara and Tisch should be ashamed of themselves for keeping him if not for ever hiring him.

The Giants have managed to represent a professional positive as a team because they have the best players on one team in the league

Jerry Reese, the GM, is a genius. Through draft picks and free agency he, and he alone manages the payroll and replaces the players with the “best athlete”every year. He does not deserve to have his Giant career fixed to Tom Coughlin. Eli Manning is the best quarterback in the league. His career deserves new coaching and leadership from that level.

Receiving corps, linebackers, defense line, corner backs, Jerry Reese gets “players”. Draftees, that start, and free agents that are the cream at their position, he gets them and signs them without fanfare and within the budget.

This is a unique  brilliant gift for my beloved Giants and should no longer be wasted  and misused. A new coaching staff is mandatory and is much easier to acquire than gifted athletes… the prime of their lives.

Eavesdropping on the Wino and Junkie….

J:”How u livin’ today?”

W:”Not as bad as yesterday, my mellow friend..Ate too much , family was wonderful ’til they got to fightin’ over left overs . I just got my jug and eased up out of there”

J:”Speaking of yesterday, the fresh air compared to the stench of that past administration is remarkable. People shoppin’ travelin’, laughin’, goin’ to school and everything. I didn’t even get to my connection today..yet…and I am feeling pretty good.

W:” Yes, I even have another bottle in the stash..didn’t even drink it all. Can hardly believe getting a few greedy, selfish ass people out of the way can make such a difference.

J:”got my 2012 t-shirt on discount too, Heh-heh..even got you one”

W:”Thanks , good looking out for me  …seems people are doing more of that too..”

J:” More of what?”

W:”Looking out for each other!”

J:” Oh right..I thought you were talking about making babies….that’s always a good thing to be doin’.”

W:”Damn, there you go again..”

Wall Street..The Movement for the masses

A long time coming…

but the beginning has happened. The match has been struck and the flame is increasing and spreading. Two months ago Occupy Wall street began and has spread to cities and campuses  around the country and world.

Here in the “wealthiest” nation on the planet  a “movement” by the working class, now, joining hands with the unions and middle class out of work. History has offered a preview of these times. At the risk of scaring someone we will try to avoid those well known “phrases”.

The “working class” is a larger and more diverse group than defined as such in the past. The common factor with the past  is still the difference in pay or income compared to the upper or “safe middle class” or the wealthy.

The 99%  is now insisting on recognition,  inclusion, the cessation of bigotry and a balance in the distribution of wealth.

The linkage around the globe, the changes in the governments in Libya, Egypt and Mid-East all ring with the sound of “change.” This new world is connected and no filters or barriers can keep the truth from being known. This is a truly historic moment  we are living in now.

The efforts thus far expended seem to have been  slowed or measured and controlled. The desperate symptoms of revolution and upheaval have not yet taken place here or in many modern societies. There is a possibility that these drastic and often bloody moments may not be necessary for the eventual complete change .

The realities of today are channeled by overwhelming new technology and the fact that people are  embracing education on every level. Literacy is now a shared blessing that fortifies the exchange of information and planning of events.

The qualities and vulnerabilities that we humans share far outweigh our petite trivial differences. The earth can provide for all of us in abundance providing we are caring and protective of each other. We have entered these times of change more united and with greater compassion than ever before. Wall Street is a fitting restart.

The movement shall not be any longer delayed.

The Truth about the Election of 2012 and The Republicans

 The election in 2012 will be a confirmation of 2008.

The press and the alarmists would offer other wise but the facts cannot be argued or changed.

The Republican party, as previously known, is finished.

There are those who would like to think that this is not true but,  fortunately, it is. They, the Republicans, have endorsed this truth with their own personal actions and the group they have again chosen as leaders and candidates.

The Republican actions have been documented time and again in this column. At the risk of being redundant, I will repeat some of these truths again.

They are unabashed liars and prevaricators  almost without exception. This party has run far off the sanity course with it’s attempts to continue the crimes of the past and plant seeds of separation and disharmony. The totally worthless and senseless actions that surface immediately are racism, social injustice and economic inequality.

Their crimes against humanity under the guise of war, economic budgeting” and the theft of money under the security of our “homeland” are sickening and  truly add insult to injury.

They have stolen and manipulated the freedoms of our country and base principles. Truly unfortunate  is their inability to change,  accept change, or be honorable about accepting responsibility for their acts and intent, past or present. This is incriminating, if not damning.

The World is in constant change. The times, they too have changed. The ability to keep the truth unseen or unheard has past. We all now have access to “information” without filter or distortion..or false interpretation

This is not the fifties or the sixties or the eighties, thankfully.  We do now know and document, now ourselves..freely. “There you go again” will not help any longer.

To say this again may seem a bit too much, but for those who do not yet read or understand,  a strangely Republican consistency, here it is.

There is not one Republican candidate for the presidential election in 2012. Not one, yet. There will not be one from the pathetic group of misfits offered thus far. A contestant is a real stretch.

The reason is that they are simply unwilling or incapable of being honest to or caring about the American people.

All of us, the citizens of America, count. To be a margin more specific, all of the people of the world..count ! We always did .

The actions of their most recent administration were  forever criminal. Most egregious was their dishonesty and antisocial intentions for all mankind. They were an embarrasing moment  without the option to apologize.They fostered a sad and truly tragic period in our history. They have  offered nothing positive, nothing  since to our American people.

These facts will surely eliminate the “contest” in 2012….

Eavesdropping on “The Wino and Junkie”

W: My man,..can I get some change?

J: Wish I could ..seems you always want change..can’t you go big..a dollar or “extra change”..?

W:”Hey,I got to go with what works.. not like those constipated republicans..can you believe those fools?.Damn..they would be funny if they wasn’t so stupid”.

J: “Yes, yes, yes cannot believe these times..They so sorry they want to run  a brother against another”. “This shit done changed big time”

W: “Well you know they ain’t that fast..heh heh

J:.” That’s that racial profile Man, don’t go there.”

W: ” Hey, I ain’t ..this ain’t physical..they not too quick with the feedback either..that bigot Texan tore hisself a new butthole…

J: True dat, I think they throwin’in the towel so they can’t say they lost to Bam

W:”Yes, don’t mess with Bam..ask Al-Quaeda”

Our lives at Risk…..Capital Punishment

The execution of Troy Davis was accomplished at 11:08 pm, 21 September 2011. He was convicted of killing a police officer over 20 years ago.

The world watched while a civilized nation sanctioned this act of barbarism. 

 Killing, or murder is more popular than ever. I find that thought increasingly more discomforting. The fact that there is no effort or coordinated attempt that shows any progress to ending this madness  is totally discomforting.

Killing is an accepted response  to problems . The fact that these  problems are never resolved by that dastardly final act seems to matter not.  Any suggestion that can be offered to kill as a reason is listened to.  All too often there is no reason  at all offered. Actually,there is no reason that stands examination except self-defense in the most extreme and personal fashion.

 The victims and the families of these crimes are just unfortunate additions to the casualty list.

 It matters not what the “issue” or rational is or that may be stated. Killing by committee, as in crime punishment (court), war, endless religious bigotry and squabbles that have this “option”,personal squabbles and discord only perpetuate more killing.

These organized and planned atrocities legitimatize and  underwrite any sick individual’s poor excuse for taking life in his own hands and in his own personal way and again, for any reason or non reason.

      Troy Davis became the latest in a long line of victims and “expendable” people. They will  all be a cause forgotten in the near future. He will be replaced by the “latest” victim  before I finish this sentence…..

The Giants..2011

Tom”Terrific” Coughlin was at his best yesterday..As a life long Giants fan, the win against the hated Philadelphia Eagles warmed my heart.

He, Tommy T, seemed to be forced to play the players he should have been playing all along. Actually, the coach’s choices yesterday were right on the money .

Being a rabid fan, the Giant’s losing will not be accepted by me.  I was pretty good after this stalwart victory . It was a good feeling.

Tom, I am offering an apology for my criticism of you. One game, sometimes, is a lot . Evidently, you are a better coach than I thought .What is more important and apparent is that your players will play hard for you..That means everything when the chips are down. Congratulations.

A mere fan like myself, I am sure, would not know the intricacies of that job you have..

I do hope you remember the formula for your  most stirring  victory in awhile. Victor Cruz, Brandon Jacobs, Ahmad Bradshaw with Eli Manning stirring the stew. These exceptional draftees and free agent picks of GM Jerry Reese again and again on offense and defense, and Special teams all together  in this victory yesterday  made a most satisfying remedy for the hunger that persisted since last season.

NFL Coach’s Insider……..

Two of the best today were overheard  on the QT…

A:”How ya doin”?

B:” So far so good, something like chinese food, ya know”.

A: “Don’t mention any food, man, you know it’s my weakness..”

B: “Not intentional to probe you like that..I was wonderin’ what your schedule was looking like to you?”

A: “Hey, got the Gezziants this week as Snoop would say ..I love to play them since “Tom Terrific” has been coachin’them”.

B: “Yes, that he is …he is one tight mf…but he must be a nice guy or somethin’ ..with all that luck to pull his cohones off the skillet, you know what I’m sayin?”

A: “I do..but he just seems to help me a lot…. maybe ’cause I see his tight ass twice a year, at least…..heh-heh.”

B: “That David Tyree dookie won’t happen again I bet you a fat man on that”

A: “You tryin’ to be funny, Billy”?…

B: “No just sensitive Andy..He just always has these hellacious players..That GM Jerry Reese really knows what is good. Every year he pulls some spectacular thug players out of the pile while every body else is drawing blanks..”

A:”Sheeeit, you got that right. If I had Tom”Predictable”s players your ass would be grass I’d be John Deereee”

B: “If had his GM you and the rest of the league could kiss food good bye….oops, just messin’ round man”