Many things happen daily in our lives. Some of these things are planned and some are not. We accept and deal with these things or events and continue on as a part of our “living” process. In this process we have the option of choice and the choices we make often dictate the events that follow.
Not wanting to be personal but the choices we make in our government often dictate our quality of life . On a long term basis, yearly, or for decades, these choices affect our daily life as we try to fit our other choices around them. They, those “choices” could very well expand into life or death moments.
There in lies our prognosis for our future and the future of our family and our larger family, humanity.
It seems to me that in earlier moments of time we we were limited by our lack of ability to communicate freely and by our lack of ability to understand information due to educational short comings and fear that was not softened by religious dogma or leaders that were selfish and inhumane
All of these conditions have changed as we progressed in time and some conditions have disappeared. We can now communicate through technology freely and without an “interpreter”. We are much more collectively “literate” and education is being valued and appreciated all over our planet We now understand what we want to, on our terms and our own personal values.
This sets the table for 2012 and all that we may choose to address in this year. One of the events scheduled for this year and every four years forward is the election of our leaders here in the United States of America.
Ours is a relatively new nation by comparison, and collectively is a composite of all the nations and cultures of this planet. Our country is unique in that fashion and simultaneously contains all the differences that constitute the fragments of human life everywhere. I am so proud that I am an American, if I had to be nationalistic. One of my earlier Chess buddies called me a “cosmopolite”..I liked that too even though I am still not sure just what he meant.
The structure of all governments rise or fall on the people. In this new nation, America, we have rapidly passed through many stages of human social change and even reform. The election of 2008 presented many options but only two clear choices . These choices were to go on as in the past or to embrace the truth and honesty of the reality we were confronted with . My country chose the latter.
Part of the past was the human resource that is reflected in The Republican party.This group of individuals managed to compile all of the sick and most detrimental traits of humanity in their actions and purpose into the last or Bush administration.
They not only exhibited these revolting habits at large but they reveled in them.They compounded the felonies over and again with lies and hypocrisy. They made my nation see that those past habits were not to be tolerated or continued .They brought about the need for change and brought change into a necessary reality.
Now, let me me be first to say we are all faulty , being human. We all possess some if not all of the weaknesses that these Republicans show. However, I, for one, want to be a “better” person as I live. I want others to be treated honestly and fairly. I want to live and live well but not at the expense of others. I ,above all,want the freedom and equality and justice for all of my human family. I realize that this may not happen in my life time. It may very well be a work in progress as long as we humans have life.This progress must continue as I see and feel it .I am sure now more than ever that it will.
Going back to the past, the racism, elitism, bigotry at all levels, murder, and general disregard for “other” humans is finished, over , history. We, as a people, represented at large here in the United States, have implemented change. We are in progress now.
The Republican party as we knew it has not accepted that fact. The sordid group of people that are offered as representatives are clear reflections of their lack of honesty, with themselves to say nothing of others. They are an abominable group. It is sad that because of their commitment to being racist, clearly, above all other faults, they would rather wallow in their porcine feces rather than embrace the beginning of a new time for all humanity.