Truth in America

The election is less than a month away. The issue is the economy for the Republicans. It was many things before but never the truth, especially with this candidate.
A last-man-standing choice in 2016, this compromised bore was the last man standing among 18 pathetic losers.
This bankrupt, tax, and draft-evading phony grifter was their choice for POTUS.

After Obama’s administration, the truth was no longer invisible or unaccountable. The country survived and flourished after 8 years of black leadership.
The truth about America was and still is racism. Cultivated and developed politically and economically in the US, with full knowledge of all the inhuman components known, this practice is centuries old here.

Time has changed everything except the mindset of the American way of being a determined racist. Studying and discussing was seen as progressive until the reality of peace, progress and a growth of harmony became undeniable under Obama. The GOP became disturbed to its core with this reality and a return to the ugly past was this decadent party’s goal.

The moral-less choice was accepted and the country was subjected to endless lies, grift, and ultimately the deaths of over 800k citizens due to his lies and incompetence.

This party has attempted to separate or distance itself from this despicable waste of human protoplasm for years, but years of practiced lies repeated lately have sealed its true fate.

His insanity is now evident and obvious with every appearance.

This unchanged diaper with legs is their leader for POTUS in 2024.

Unfortunately, he is not the total problem. The problem is this zombie party known as Republican on the ballot and this fact is confirmed by their support now and before of him.

The eradication via name change or some other drastic measure will be necessary for the few with testicular fortitude to progress.

The GOP or Republican party is finished.


Congratulations on your chosen journey.

You are supremely qualified, bonded, and certified for your imminent office.
With every new public exposure, you exhibit and say the words I have longed to hear for myself, my children and family, and my world.
Thank you, for your conviction, commitment, and the real hopes and dreams that your administration promises.

Eavesdropping on the Wino and the Junkie

W: Did you see that Republican rally yesterday?
J: I did.
W: That was some serious bullshit this time.
J: Yeah, especially if those liars thought they would try the supreme genius’ lying prank.
That he could play ……another card, his words and actions were “his script”.
W: I saw him. I saw it! The World saw it!

J: Then the press notifications went from assassination attempt investigation, in 2 stages and was topped off as a “shooting investigation at Trump rally”

No facts except body count..Ballistic test no.

distance trajectory no

doctor on ear…ar15 rd…

No nothing is true here except that the “assassination attempt” is officially a “shooting investigation” and the manufactured story from a person who breathes lies

J: Serious shit up in here! That shit I saw, better be true? An attempt to lie to the world, in this fashion, with everything sacred being risked’ is at the least, beyond crazy.

How does the US tell the World that such a sick mind is tolerated much less a candidate for public office?

Putting a cap on it

The effort to progress is becoming easier. Patience truly is a virtue.
The obstacle is now clearly visible to all, even the blind. So let’s be factual for a moment.
The former president is the best the GOP/Republican party has to offer to be the nation’s leader, the most powerful, influential man on the planet, as our leader is known to be.

These are more facts. The 91 felony indictments are his with an endless series of crimes to which he admits to being guilty. The seemingly perpetual array of criminal and sociopathic actions and words that continue are truly his.

The champion of lie breathers, whose sanity rivals a rabid bat in a locked outhouse, this lifelong failure is the distraction that failed.

He has failed to distract the world from knowing who and what the GOP is. He has revealed who this party has always been at its core. A group of cowardly people who are hypocrites, misogynists, and descendants of serial liars whose true virtues and values were deplorable, at best. This party has always been an obstacle to democracy.

He is, who they are. If that isn’t repulsive enough for everyone, we will always remember the putrid sycophant who uttered and acted out the most cringeworthy moment in recent memory.

This descendant of America’s kidnapped people, the Senator from the state that was first to secede from the union because slavery was more acceptable than human freedom, dignity, and respect.

The human being who demonstrated the willful absence and disregard of self-respect, dignity, and courage, which still plagues the victims of this unique systemic oppression.

My Man, Joe Biden

Junkie: That dude is a BMF!
Wino: Yes , I got to say you are right about that one. He is every bit of that.
J: He negotiated all those others into a “deal” that probably saved the country, again, from sure disaster, promised by those others ever since.
W: Hold up a minute, just who are those others we are talking about?

J: They were and used to be Republicans, but now, they are ex tea party, conservatives, evangelists, MAGA, etc…They are separatists. not fascists, never racists.
They also include liars, who “double down” on the admitted lie and are not the sharpest knives in the draw’ so to speak.

W: Okay, I am clear. Now, what were you saying about “Dark Brandon”? Heh- heh, that is hilarious!

J: Well, he is their worst nightmare. A real human being, who does and means his efforts and is ruled by his heartfelt emotions and conscience. A man who loves his woman, children, and country. One who gets the job done beyond belief lately, because he includes everyone, especially in his staff.

W: Yeah man, the views of Joe, falling, has increased like those “lies on the golf day”, or about that “fish I caught”. The same people are “gofers” liars all. They know they are “scared” of BA Joe because he is “TCBin” and if it is not still on the qt, HERE COMES KAMALA. You know a gofer goes for anything.
The internal cannibalism is fierce. Conservatives are choking on the debt ceiling deal.

J: I know, I know….please, Bro! I got it! They are truly “scared to the empty bowls’ of BA Joe.
They will never mention the successes of his policies and the Democrat’s achievements in 30 months of office. I did a deuce in half when I was.
W: Cap it, I heard all of that many times. What else were you sayin’ about today’s America?
J: Yeah, man, their fear of the truth about today and yesterday being like the end of their world. We now know, thanks to “progress” lies or alternative facts, being short-lived, if not, over.

Holding the Nation Hostage

Staying focused the last few years has been a challenge in many ways for each of us, I am sure. The political and the daily life in my country has been obviously unsettled and I dare say, discomforting.

I have heard words like divided, hate, killing, far too much. While “staying focused”, I would like to give my vision and my perspective of the present.

The pending disruption is threatened by today’s Congress’ “failure to communicate”. It is clearly traceable.
The people responsible will eventually be held accountable.

The situation today is about the nation, clearly, in every way. The media and the social conversations seem to be about him. The GOP is perfectly satisfied with that narrative. Unfortunately I, and others know ,it is about them.

He is DJT, Orangeman, whose list of faults, as a human being, are endless.
He was the best they had in 2016. He won a controversial election against Hillary Clinton; a seasoned, effective participant for many years in our government.

Winning this election with the lies of Benghazi, lies for years about the preceding Obama administration, they proceeded to lead in co-responsibility for Covid deaths and Covid government disfunction. This party of the past still chose to follow Orangeman.

We all know now that their common ground was racism, greed and division.
This party was not aware of their leader’s insanity and as a result, chaos was evident from day one.
Today is almost consumed by the pathetic attempts by this low life party to blame all their failures on him while obstructing any positive progression.

He, with four years of crime and failure riding on 33000 confirmed lies, and currently facing confinement forever for attempting a coup on truly finished. That guy, they supported at every turn because of obvious complicity in everything wrong. From Miller to Mueller, to deaths of the young and innocent by gun, to the support of the insurrection , the Republicans are now holding the country’s future “hostage”.

This faction of liars, conspiracy theorists, and sycophants will fracture our government ,if they can.
This is the GOP at work, make no mistake about that. This party that supported the lies about a sacred tragedy to engage in a War in the mid-east that led to the death of thousands of American servicemen, millions of Iraqis and mid-easterners. This party that profited with pillaging and greed throughout the pain and suffering of the families citizens of the nation.
This is the party of liars about our historical beginnings, our failed economies, deaths by mass destruction through needless wars, and other shit.

This is a true Zombie party, whose survival now exists only with the deaths of all who care for others, those who only want freedom, justice and equality.
That will never happen.
We are witnessing the end of the GOP.

Eavesdropping on the Wino and the Junkie

J: What? Is that you down here in the sunshine?
W: yes, enjoying the Seafood Festival on the Jersey shore.
J: Last time I saw you you were crying about fishy stuff everywhere and you hated fish.
W: Not quite my words but you put it nicely, so to speak.
W: The progress to Democracy had caught me up in the fight and that “American” party was totally exposed for the disgusting reality that they are.
J: Damn, there you go again with that political thang.
W: Yeah, Man, they are bringing out the real corpses now. Lying is their mantra.
J: It is amazing that they really do not care at all about anybody. The actions of the past are just a reality that they are owning beyond death.
W: Hold it! You done skipped to fast for me. What do you mean by all that?
J:Their efforts to obstruct and deny from the grave, championed by the phony from Illinois and the “broad” from Georgia. Then, there is the habitual fibber from New York. Oh, the turtle, and even the sometime righteous faithful fall short because at their core is the disease Racism. They cannot disown their horrific acts of the past because they are still anchored there.
W: The base is not into anything but guns, the loudmouths are being locked up, one by one.
J: Startling examples of “supremacy, don’t you think?
W: Fishy was where we started, did you try those Alligator nuggets and Jerk Ostrich and beans?


This is what it all has come down to.
Whether to tell the truth or not, to tell the truth, has always been the question.
We human beings are the only living creatures that have had this as a choice. We speak words and use those spoken and written words to communicate our thoughts and realities. I am further inclined to think we have all lied at some time in our lives.
A lie can never be a positive or sensible choice. The truth, when known, always prevails. So we have created the fifth amendment for court cases
Only in court to protect the guilty from self-incrimination, is what follows that premise. Outside of court, it seems all lies are permitted. The synonyms for lies and liars are too numerous to list but we will mention some of these for the hell of it.
White lies, fishing stories, fairy tales, and propaganda are the folder names for many examples of this dangerous practice. My country, the USA, has its very history plagued and steeped with lies.
Republicans have lost all integrity if they ever had any. They are proven liars now and desperate after being exposed in every imaginable way as our history plays out.
The GOP is the party that fostered our early beginnings as a nation, lying to this day.
Native Americans, the slave trade, wars, and affiliate connections with other governments were settled with the art of the lie.
We were all victims then and now we are all victimized every second of our lives by the deliberate attempt to confirm lies and the purposely planned act of not ever being held accountable.
Never be held accountable for lies, past or present, and the horrors inflicted on humanity by their collective efforts and actions are the only reason it has remained.
This is the GOP, the Republican party, a central part of the sordid and unacceptable history of our country.
The Republican party is now a zombie party. Their DJT face personifies their values and purpose to a T.
….No shame or conscience
Accountability is absolutely the mandate and it is in process with the most direct actions in history

We are a democracy, in action, and now our growth is more promising than ever.

All of this because of lies, I wondered…

Eavesdropping on the Wino and the Junkie

W: My main man, What’s up?
J: Same toilet, different day
W: I have heard that before but not from you, wanna give me something to walk with?
J: Oh you mean thought or curiosity?
W: Yes, that would work.
J: I am just trying to process this Republican “group” as we know them …now…naked forever.
W; Well, where are you going with this?
J: That #45 is a real waste of human protoplasm, as we used to say.
W: I agree, there is more of the worst every day, with no end or bottom. The dude takes the cut glass flyswatter.
J: He is only there because of his support…Republicans, conservatives, right-wing..cowards.MAGA money sources.They remain with him still, after the last 2 yrs.The deplorable base cannot separate from this unbelievably toxic waste.
W.The best part of that party”s humanity ran down their mommy’s leg…
J: A bit harsh, but, probably accurate