The Workings of Democracy-America The Beautiful

     This is the chosen nation, The United States of America.. There are so many “confirming” factors that I will find it difficult to touch all in any way so we will have to settle for the few that linger in my thoughts.

First we have the broadest and most diverse population. It is a unique collective. There are those that choose to be here, immigrants and their descendants, native born and  a kidnapped people who have stayed after freedom and multiplied. Then there are the incarcerated population, three million strong by last count.

 It ,our country, is founded on freedoms. Speech jumps to the front for me. Freedom of the press and the freedom of choice. This is to choose our leaders and our personal goals and lifestyles.

We are fortunate here in America, truly fortunate. With such  an abundance we must not neglect our responsibilities. One mandatory responsibility is ownership of our actions and deeds. Our country is a relatively young nation ,two hundred thirty five years old. Many other nations have more years with that distinction .They do not have the threads and fabric that is forming the garment of America. It would appear loosely that many from all walks and nations came here to blend and form what will be the image of all that our planet contains.

In this country and perhaps, more than any other country, one can witness the graphic demostrations of democracy at work. The changes in leadership without the overwhelming fury of discord resulting in bloodshed and masses of humanity disenfranchised in this transition..At least , on the surface it appears that way.

The economy, jobs and living conditions to be more specific to me, are vulnerable to the relationship between our elected leaders and the people who elect them. It must also be said that the relationship within their brotherhood as elected officials has a determining result on the success and failure of “the economy, namely jobs and living conditions”.

The battles that are a part of our country’s design will continue. Our ownership of the past deeds and the people we elected has set the table for the present meal. That meal consists of a sincere effort to eradicate racism, nepotism, and the hypocrisy of equality and justice for all.

We have moved dramatically forward in the election of 2008.The abominable performance of the prior administration cannot be ignored or left unaccounted for. This administration had to end an unjust war, save the auto industry, rescue the financial institutions and provide a healthcare system for the impoverished and have not populace. These conditions did not just appear in that last administration but they were egregiously implemented then. The sacrifices of all Americans were at peril until the people chose to live up to the ideals and purpose in our constitution and in the hearts and conscience of our humanity…That was clearly a new beginning. A major step forward on the path of all humans being valued and respected for their content, there is no going back!


    I would like to thank everyone most sincerely for all of the positive and encouraging comments on my website. You are truly welcome to provide in your comments avenues of an immediate contact from our staff to you…Dialogue is necessary in a truly democratic society. Here, it is also valued, needed and hereby, requested.

Again, a huge thank you very much…


My Giants

 The 2011 New York Giants are preparing for another Super Bowl run. I suppose the other NFL teams are having the same goals as they also prepare.

It seems that all the experts are discounting the Giants .Opinions aside, this is what sport fans do.The most popular reasons for not seeing the Giants winning lies in losses through free agency and a lack of free agent acquisitions. If I had to pick a weakness it would still be the decisions of Coach Tom Coughlin but that will be put aside for now.

The GM ,Jerry Reese, has weathered criticism since he began his role in 2007. They did win that year, thanks to a special defense brought in by Steve Spagnola. Tom Coughlin is moaning about the losses in free agency. I moan about his inability to use play-action offense or running the unique backs provided by the GM and throwing to the excellent corps of wide receivers. Mario Manningham, Hakeem Nicks and the totally unused, due to Coach putting him on IR last year, Victor Cruz.The Giant’s losses in free agency are part of the structure of free agency..Plaxico Burress,  a great receiver, does not deserve any more than he was offered and refused by the Giants. He took the money. I do not fault him, best wishes, in fact. Kevin Boss is a good tight end.Thirty five catches doesn’t raise many eyebrows as a season total..He also took his best offer.

The Giants are loaded  and here is why. GM Jerry Reese knows football and what is potentially a good football player. The league is seasoned with ex-Giants that were cut by the Giants or took better offers from teams salivating to get them . Reese’s draft choices are wanted all over the league..Brandon Jacobs was one of his first. Ahmad Bradshaw and the  mentioned receiver corps, offensive line, refurbished on the move . The defense wreaks of his choices clearly and  if not forced to defend a short field by the ill  offense decisions by Tom Coughlin, are the most physical and capable in the league. Yes, I said it and it is a fact. They can and will defend a short field too.

The secondary is  very good  and seasoned. The defensive ends,Justin Tuck,  Osi Umenyiora, if he signs..and the Baby Monster Jason Pierre-Paul are  great athletes , super strong and fast. All kinds of mixes can be made at line backer….The draft was a success as usual for Jerry Reese..

Our  vulnerability lies in Coughlin being  reluctant to adapt or change his approach to ……….almost everything . After looking at his face during the preseason opener last night.  It seems his face reflected severe constipation or something similar. Oh, and no play-action of the type any other coach would love to force down an opponent’s throat.

Sit back Giant fans,…..this is preseason. We will have good season if our vulnerability is addressed..Just that one..

..Cannot wait till it starts………My Giants..

To be continued…..

The Republicans…again/ the Debt Debate

Mr. President ..

When are you going to take care of the business at hand. How can you let these sick miserable excuses for leaders continue to obstruct human progress. Please note..HUMAN PROGRESS..!So this is democracy at work?

The new elected leaders, neophytes all ,seem to be digging a complete hole for the sake of refuting you Mr. President..The conservatives are gleeful, gleeful while the rest of us loyal americans cringe and squirm.  They are counting on the public being so unnerved and frustrated that your reelection will be in peril?

I do doubt that it will be enough..America will not forget the lies and crimes committed at random by the last administration..They cannot take any credit for ending the atrocities in Iraq and Afghanistan. They alone brought this country into a depression unparalled in history. They did bring the government to a halt under the Clinton administration with one Newt(the contender)Gingrich in the front. They would do anything to get you and your progressive adminstration out of their way..Unfortunately they have yet to realize that they no longer exist as before ..This is 2011 and their covers have been removed..The truth is there for all who may seek to know..A new day is in progress..thankfully.

They fought your Health Insurance and caused it to be a skeleton..They stole the surplus in the national economy. They erased/stole /misappropriated it all  before 9/11 . During that time it was  in the black 212 billion dollars  with the idea of being out of debt by 2012 under the “Democrat “Wm. Clinton

They totally ruined human relations with fellow americans and foreign entities ..friend and foe..Their decency and  ability to think are proven to be self-serving at best,at the risk of all others .Obviously, I see  no reason to harbor their demented excuses for not agreeing to a budget.

So why not just arrest the culprits that lied and stole and convinced the former president to spend without measure on Wars and personal pleasures.Where did the rich get the idea that they couldn’t be taxed?..Why isn’t this issue being made clear in more detail.

I must say your courage and your determination to persist is impressive .Your hesitation to bring justice and complete the clean up on the core of sick and criminal leaders is not.

It is suspect because I know and the world knows justice would put a stop to their continuing nonsense..It would eliminate the rest of the garbage that festers and provides food for the “tea party” and the “new” members in the house. Please give Eric Holder, the attorney general, permission to launch inquiry or better yet an investigation on the issues that were rampant when you surprised the world with being elected.

This Republican party is on life support at best..They finished themselves with internal cannabalism and disgusting greed. They have written their epitaph with lies ,confusion and hatred. Their attempts to find an opponent for you  is a sad farce..

Please get on this and let the chips fall where they  may…

Our Lives at Risk….lll/…Norway

  ….The killing continues…

             The excuses for condoning or accepting killing are all pointless. The fact that this measure of atrocity has been carried out by one singular individual is the issue. A collective understanding of this  act or discussion only increases the morbidity .

For any reason all of us are still at risk  because we the people of our small planet earth are quiet or mute about these acts. We have yet to embrace as a united group, the fact that  all life is most important.

 This deranged pathetic human has no purpose except to make it crystal clear that taking life only perpetuates more lives to be taken.

Of course the solution is not immediate and there may be a long line of deaths before the casualities start to subside .It certainly isn’t any help to “kill” this low life..Again no remedy in revenge or satisfaction either..

  Now if there were some preventive measures in place such as collective efforts to restrict arms, or weapons of destruction, not mass only, and more importantly a joint effort by “goverments” from the national level to the village level, by religious factions to social factions  to not condone or support the taking of life it would at some point minimize these acts or the opportunity to initiate them so freely.

Yes ,this is really long range thinking and perhaps some dreams are easier to support or believe have possibility. The absolute fact is that continuing as we have is not at all acceptable..Norway is not the far east, the Balkans, Africa or the streets of the United States. The change in locality of these insane purposeful acts does not matter..the results are the same.

 So, I am to believe that that is what humans do? Some humans do? Certainly, the masses or majority of humans  do not. I don’t and won’t .I am excluding a instance of immediate self-defense that takes my desire to survive such an attack to that unwanted conclusion . There are many others like me, perhaps the majority in this case without a doubt, or it would be worse, if you can imagine that.

 No, I am not that kind of peaceful person..I want to live. I want my family and brethren, all humans to live ..To live without this constant threat from anywhere for any reason

We all must start somewhere and the sooner we start the sooner we will approach a pattern of eliminating risking our lives.

There is much to done , on a broad scale, for a seemingly endless time into the future but that does not mean we should not begin that journey…

We must emphacize at every level that all life is equally important to preserve and respect..Surely ,some people need to be seperated from  society for the safety and well being of ..society..We can do that easier and with a healthier and freer conscience and example than  by killing these individuals.

Their hate rhetoric must be argued against and their movements once confirmed need monitoring..We do that now just not at large and collectively.We cannot be hypocrites in these measures..This may be the most difficult of all mandates because we, as humans, each seem to harbor hypocrisy at some level or many levels..

Nevertheless we must continue, persevere if we must, push through all obstacles to ensure the perservation and the protection of life. That may be our mission now, since the humans before us were so limited in all the ways we ,as humans, are not  limited any more…

Our Lives at Risk II…./The Death of Osama Bin Laden

 The war is still raging.  Iraq is seemingly more quiet now. Afghanistan, a Waterloo for the Russians, has led to the Pakistan network that eventually uncovered Osama Bin Laden.

Yes, the same one that had eluded western attempts to be captured.  He who defied international efforts at all levels to be captured for ten years and was assigned the responsibility for global terror. The same one that masterminded  the horror of “9-11”. That one.                                                                                           His contributions as a living human was ended with a bullet in his head.  Good riddance to bad rubbish some said..Celebrations occurred.That seems to be the preferred formula.., to kill.. everywhere. Bullets from guns,  suicide bombers and the murders of children by family and friends all continue unabated. I’ve heard “if it works don’t fix it”. That is the problem. Bullets and killing doesn’t work, that is, if the goal is a peaceful nourishing existence for mankind.                                                                                      Obviously, that isn’t the goal then. If that isn’t, what is the goal. Are we all in line to get our ticket to some planned elimination! Life in it’s  “beautiful journey” has plenty of pitfalls and tragedies without that planned end for some obscure and trivial excuse .  That’s the real war that rages on ..killing each other..In a subway, or in the schools, the home or the streets of our homes…Capital punishment…I ask again, “are we safe yet?”

Osama was the ultimate terror threat . Did killing him make you feel safer? We all agree if anyone had to go he was the one?..The after effect of ridding the world of so much potential misery should have brought colossal relief. It did not.  Nor has the death of his lieutenants or aids. His death gave the victim”s survivors..revenge.. pay back..! For what? The agony forever that the families of the victims must endure? Not in a million years!  It did authorize the immediate killing of others for back. The wrenching anguish of the supposed pursuit of Bin Laden and his Al-Queda /Taliban comrades while  leaving wounded and dead all over the planet was a travesty  and a horrible waste of human life and dreams of families around the globe. Has Killing him  freed us from the threat of being killed? Not yet, it seems to me. It certainly hasn’t effected the killing in the middle east, in the schools, in the homes and in the streets at all. I still see some attempts to glamorize and justify these absolute ultimate crimes.  The war rages on..because we have chosen to kill. By any means necessary and for any reason.                        Strangely, the only rationale that is untried is “TO PRESERVE AND DEFEND THE RIGHT TO LIVE’.     At all levels, gun or weapon controls are must. War games must cease. Dialogue and acceptance  of our human kindred is mandatory to begin to achieve our goals. Respect for our individual religions and life choices makes sense to me too.

All of that would  begin the process to eliminate the risk of our lives being threatened.

The War on Drugs…..55 years of lies and morbidity

Wars always have casualties..They are the price of the victory if you can lose your feelings to comment. What happens when you have no victories only casualties?

1956 was back in the day as the saying goes. Some one chose that year to attack the illegal drug trade with a declaration of War.The enemy was the user/addict and his suppliers .  All connectors to the same people or their network were also declared “enemies” in this War. The victory would be in the elimination of illegal drugs and the punishment of the users and the suppliers.

This elimination has not happened, although the punishment has been so cruel and damning for the convicted that they become pariahs forever. In fact, the opposite has been the rule or reality. Users of illegal drugs have multiplied. The number of vendors or suppliers are beyond counting. The deaths and destruction of users, law enforcement officers and families of all are also more than can be counted. There is much to be acknowledged in this dilemma.

First is the beginning. It was not 1956 actually. The attempts to prohibit and criminalize the use of illegal drugs came in the thirties. It has become another exercise in futility that followed the failure to prohibit alcohol. The ATF, FBI, IRS, state and local police could not stop people from drinking alcohol, booze, moonshine. They could not  prevent major influences and prominent families from transporting the best that could be made or obtained. The tools and efforts of the government could not keep alcohol from their appointed designations or people who wanted to consume it.                                                              It has been offered that those lettered bureaus had no reason to exist after failing or being ineffective so they chose to attack marijuana use, cocaine use and branched out as the illegal  drugs  differed and grew. New laws were created as older laws were intensified  by compounding the consequences.

The legal drug companies supported this effort in every way they could, understandably.

These “companies” are predators in their own special way. They employ and support lobbys to influence our elected leaders. The leaders are woefully unable to think for themselves except to ensure their reelection by any means .

All too often their “means’ supports insane punishment for this health problem of addiction. It is further  enhanced by the need of exaggeration to implement fear in the general public.This act  which is carried out in police procedures, correction enforcement and incarceration perpetuates the status quo. It is a  continuing series that goes further away from solving any problems .

It creates a disrespect for police and authority due to coercion, bribes and futility at gaining any solution. It creates an  exploding population of prisoners and ex-convicts whose lives are destroyed.Their families are innocent victims forever. The sickening stories of these lives torn and shredded by these continuing lies and distortions to keep the “business of drug control” are a travesty of justice and an atrocity to all mankind.

The platform is fueled often by right-wing dementia and conservative racism.There is, perhaps, an endless array of supporting factors  but to say a victory in the war on drugs will happen is a sad fallacy..

There can be only one victory in this war and that will come through sane and  compassionate legalization, like in Las Vegas Gambling or Prostitution. I deliberately picked Las Vegas because of the extreme application of both activities. It is working and has for a long time. Taxes help in many ways due to the popularity of the sources.  In Amsterdam a prototype exists daily. Monitoring “users” or addicts is an easy task with results that are measurable.

The “crimes” of the cartels and the profits of legal drug companies will decline..Some people may never go to prison so the police can concentrate on the sick serial killers and a multitude of other sociopathic profiles. Liquor and cigarette companies might take a hit too..

I think the on going charade is much worse and with no end in sight it  is senseless to continue in this morbid act of depravity. We can still be humans with compassion and good will to each other..It is not too late..

The Giants…and NFL Football

When are the Giants going to let Jerry Reese play his cards. The changes that have occurred has brought the Giants and the league closer to understanding the difficulties in player negotiations only.

There is nothing that helps the Giants with The Tom Coughlin problem.Yes, there is a new assistant special teams coach. The draft choices will need to prove themselves and I have much confidence  in that based on Mr. Reese’s past choices.

To risk the season, Eli Manning’s career, Brandon Jacobs and Ahmad Bradshaw,the brilliant young receiver corps , the offensive line with the same lack of creative decisions that are the choices of this head coach bode a sack of continuing problems for the team and their legendary loyal fans.

Like the rest of the world, we must wait and see what happens. While waiting we will remember that this coach is not the general manager’s choice and nothing but a Super Bowl victory this year should prolong his stay.

The Presidency .. His accomplishments and disappointments

        On the threshold of the next  campaign in 2012 we find ourselves assessing the past elections . Not only the last major in 2008 but all of the local minor elections too, if you want to be honest and thorough.

New efforts must be retooled again because of the reluctance to accept progress and change  by the Republican party. The remnants of that group would be more accurate.

The successes or accomplishments are not at all as complete as this critic would like.The primary reasons for this is that some patterns are long term, a different approach to a life long issue. The disappointments are more available and easier to determine so we will begin there:

The first is a lack of effort to hold the perpetrators of the crimes against humanity and our constitutional laws accountable.

This last administration was an abomination.The lies to steal from our government began before 9-11. The attempts to control our rights , freedom of speech and other freedoms were constant. The electoral process itself was manipulated in more than one state.

Lies under oath , lies to conceal crimes were pervasive. It sunk corporations. It destroyed our economy and definitely caused the death of lives, families, hopes and dreams . This is still ongoing as much as possible because NO ONE has been brought to justice..or held accountable.

Then there is the war on Iraq ,the atrocities inflicted on captured prisoners and the innocent citizens of Iraq, the soldiers and their families that were serving their country and  erased, and the pillage and plunder of a respected ancient culture, all unlawful acts in sequence that continued unabated until the election of a “not possible” candidate.

All efforts to bring change or to progress from this dastardly base has been blocked, refused and politically manipulated by the same den of low life, Yes, they are still busy at work..Why has this been permitted? What happened to an investigation or inquiry to determine accountability?

Secondly, the “New Jobs”to be created from an effort to repair or strengthen the infrastructure has yet to emerge. What is that about?  What happened to new highways or rebuilt highways, bridges and safety measures, hospitals, and schools. Nothing is visible on that front to me.

I suspect both are linked to the same solution.  To be specific, this rag-tag group of bigots, racists and pseudo christians ,conservative, tea party gang bangers formerly known as the Republican party need a gardener. Accountability would weed out the vermin that perpetuates the contamination of the best of that group and certainly would give everyone a chance for progress.

Accomplishments..Wow, just the continued air of progress is undeniable.

The Healthcare bill .

The end of the Disgrace in Iraq.

The rescue of the economy from another Republican  produced depression.

The rescue of the Auto Industry.

The rescue of Major corporations, especially Banks  and Financial institutions .

 The routing of Al-Queda and resolution of Osama Bin Laden.

The withdrawal of our forces in Afghanistan with Iraq surely to follow.

 Keeping his campaign promises …not all ,due to the Republican efforts to thwart  his every initiative….but the tally is clear .

The exposure of the Republican party…for example..Candidates for 2012? Giuliani….he knows better or running for any office is out of the question Pawlenty….Romney….Palin..?It gets worse!

Governor Christie of New Jersey! The same person who cost the state over 750  million dollars before he could find a seat that fit his profile..The Federal funds for education and Federal funds for a most needed “tunnel” have been sabotaged. The loss to the children of New Jersey and the commuter /worker in the tri-state region cannot be calculated. Broad based attacks on unions and specifically the teachers are cruel and actually demented.This is what is left of the GOP after the election and successes of Barack Obama.

Most importantly,  he managed the return of world wide respect for my country and its deeds and purpose that was in consistent decline with both Bush administrations . He has chosen a cabinet, made Supreme court appointments that have proven their worth and credibility while presiding over a most significant period in our national and world history.




Dayenu…..A Mother’s Day Salute

       I was born an only child.  I think that’s what helped my early years to be lonely.  Toys or imaginary friends  were not enough. Having many cousins did help but only when we were together. That was on Sundays .We all went to the same church every Sunday, even Sunday school before church.

My Mom was the family flag carrier when it came to church or serving the lord, as she sometimes put it. She always had a Bible, or an assignment to accomplish for the congregation . She was always  ready to distribute the message word . So, Church was her base.This  did not help my need for company in any way.

The word “friend”always was and is still a most significant word to me. I wanted to be a “friend” and to have them.

What was and still is a friend to me? Well my Mom was my first friend…

A friend begins with another life to share mine with. My time,  loyalty, companionship, fun, were always a primary part of this format . As I gained friends I started to define the word in  more personal detail .

Girls  became  my preferred gender choice. No arguments or petty disputes. The earliest games were “Doctor and Nurse”, or “Mommy and Daddy”…That was a really good one.

Girls, women , ladies were always the top or primary to me. My Dad was very cool but my Mom was….Mom.

GrandMa? There was nothing like her in the whole world to me..So I grew to appreciate and to value women..early in my life… This didn’t take anything from Dad, it was not an issue to compare. That was just the way things were.

I realized early the separations that religion and ethnic cultures appeared to make.  They seemed to contradict the concept of “human family” at times.

Being raised a”Christian, or Protestant, or Baptist”  seemed to make it easier for me to be curious  about  girls of the Hebrew faith . I  really liked to read and as a child, the Bible was one of the few books in our house.

Eventually I  met  the spirit of  Eve, Esther and Ruth..Judith

Their names were now Jeri, Christine, Libbi, Arlene, Margaret, Marcia, Sandra and Joan, Carmela and certainly Teodora, all of whom I am eternally thankful for.

These women chose to provide me with umbrellas and parachutes. They shared   the subtleties of being aware, of being respected and understood.

Yes,  some were lovers in the most literal sense but surely, I felt love from these women in every sense, as I did from  my family. My need for friends was clearly enriched by these women who chose to be teachers and and guides in this journey of my life..

My friendship needs continued to expand and  the fulfillment of my needs stretched beyond national, social, economic borders . I have been blessed by all women .

However, to make this  all enough, my greatest blessings from women came from those I have never met. They are the keepers of all outside of my needs that makes all life worth living.  They bring  all life into existence. Mothers, wives, sisters and daughters,  they are the protectors and nurturers  of all men and children.

I am eternally grateful for the other human being, Woman, for she is the caretakers of all or everything that exists.