Boxing….The Manly Art of Self Defense

My favorite sport was Boxing. I was taught and and coached with the early skills of offense and defense as a child. The dance of foot movement , the jab,  the bob and weave. I loved it.

As a child getting hit did not resonate at all like it began to with age and bigger opponents.  I did not like to be hit. I began to reason that a Boxing career would not be a good thing for me. Being very clear about that fact did not stop me from loving the sport.

My childhood heroes were rife with Boxers of all weights and and styles. The names will never be forgotten because their signatures were signed in their very blood and underlined with their human sacrifice. Brutally fascinating always, the battles in the arenas by these modern day gladiators remain statements of human dedication and courage beyond any imagination for all time.

Watching  the bouts with fascination and amazement began to change to anticipation of a chilling reality.  My adulthood brought the understanding that the art of self defense left  most of it’s participants with a certain horrific fate , certainly an overwhelming  majority. A consistency that  still staggers the core of being human, at least,my core.

Blood, guts and disfigurement  were always a side product of the fight. The amount of each was the only unknown. Did I really enjoy watching a “fight”? Is my stomach getting weak with age? The pleasure derived from watching a fake or parry followed by a counter punch that breaks a contestant’s nose was waning . The blood and the instant lack of balance being a inspiration to the crowd and opponent had a chill to it .

Was this the thrill? Was anticipating the knockout and total separation from senses being as good as it gets? Was the goal actually to…. kill..rather than death just being an occupational hazard? Emile Griffith vs. Benny “Kid” Paret will always come to mind.

Some pugilists  manage to escape the disfigurement and dementia that escalates rapidly as they age. However,they do not get a pass on losing a certain sense of self. It matters not whether they were the purest of dedication to their craft. The erosion that follows being understood as another “occupational hazard” is available to all. 

The role call of Boxing’s greatest legends is the same listing for tragic deaths and and unending sadness in the lives that fade away as we the fan and the public watch.

This addiction to witnessing pain being inflicted on others seems to be a constant in contact sports. Football, the NFL, in particular, has had its flurry of “victims” due to concussion and deliberate impact to cause injury. Millions of spectators watch every week, every event  all identifying with the winner…perhaps?

My favorite sport has competition lately. Tennis and Chess have grown.Yet, Boxing and Football still happen to be a joy for me too. I am sure that this  all could be a part of the battle between “good and evil” that rages in all of us. As the old native American said “the winner will be the one who is fed the most”.

I like to think I feed the “good” but ……….. my human imperfections are many.

Eavesdoppin’ on the Wino and the Junkie…

W:We meet again?..Cannot believe it is you  ?

J:Here we go again..of course it is me….that juice is making your brain so soggy…not a good thing in case you were wondering.

W:Live and let live…try that!

J: You are just the man I wanted to see…I gotta a game for discussion I’d like to play. I say the name or subject and you give your first thought..Then we can reverse,………..know what I’m sayin’?

W:Uh-Oh.. go ahead??


W:Which one?

J:good question but Dubya

W: used him like  toilet tissue

W: Palin.

J: She looked good ….even to John McCain


J: War criminal and liar extraordinaire

J: Condoleeza Rice

W:..sooo hot and soo smart …a Scorpio too…. nobody wanted to hit it

J: Damn..extra research here… been to see my medicine man?


J: Confirmation that Money cannot buy Brains or even sincere advisors

W: Wow..your medicine is the bomb


W:Same as Trump with more morals  but not a lot more…I guess


W: a weak sacrifice …didn’t have a chance…did he do anything ..ever?

J: Tea Party

W: Republican Cancer

J:What do they all have in common?

W:Republicans?…Losers?..take your pick


J: a deceased political party that succumbed to  ample quantities of decadent Socio-Economic and Cultural habits mated  with genetic descendants of The Oglethorpe colony……Messy too with that internal cannibalization on display

The Giants…..In Quiet Crises

 One year ago the Giant fans were celebrating a most miraculous recovery. The season had presented the unusual and and stunning victories needed to over come the curious plays and choices of Tom Coughlin.

This has been a year of disappointment from the beginning . All Giant fans know of the annual collapse that comes with Tom Coughlin. This year has brought that collapse and misuse  then  loss of the usual excellent and gifted players recruited and signed by the “genius”General Manager Jerry Reese.

Mario Manningham, Brandon Jacobs and others followed the annual exodus created by the  alignment that supports this alien coach. This alliance has little resemblance to the logic of the general manager. This coach is not the choice of  Jerry Reese.

Tom Coughlin has managed to use the players and choices of free agency and draft to produce a most disappointing mediocre winning percentage. The last half of the season going for dung.

He has managed to produce two championship seasons only with the help of newly hired rescue defensive coordinators.How in the hell can he be considered a hall of fame coach or why should that be a thought?

Why can’t Jerry Reese have a coach that he selects like other NFL general managers? I am hearing that Mr. Reese, Eli Manning ,the team and the fans are stuck with Tom Coughlin until he retires.   

 Coughlin has managed to unnerve the fans with his inconsistency.  This surely causes discomfort  among the staff and players. He has managed to isolate and provide a atmosphere of toxicity for Mr. Reese to choose to stay or leave for a more supportive owner.

The contract of Victor Cruz is a familiar scenario since Terrible Tom has been on board. In this example it became glaringly apparent  and with other players before this contract that for some reason Mr. Mara speaks when other GMs would be the information source.

The Giants have lost a major assistant to Mr. Reese to another team. The media and again the Giant ownership seem to be limiting the choices and decisions of the General Manager. Surely this is having a negative effect on Mr.Reese. Is it possible Tom Coughlin wants Mr . Reese’s job? That would surely sink the Giants for the future.

Briefly, a short  review of the facts since Coughlin has been coaching the Giants.

.Alienation of major role players from the beginning accompanied by inconsistent winning.The list began with Strahan, Tiki Barber and continued with assorted other stalwarts at their positions. The latest loss to the Giants is Osi Umeniyora. The key factor being most of them leave and are replaced only to start or play  for other teams. They all shared one factor in common. A conflict with Tom  Coughlin centering on length of playing time and situation.

He has now started the dismantling of a Championship team because he cannot provide the leadership and human awareness to utilize the players.

Victor Cruz is the same sensational player who after catching passes with one hand in his first preseason game had to sit out the season because the Coach did not think he would be needed.He abused Brandon Jacobs psychologically by not playing him. He  is doing the same thing to the Giants number one draft choice of last year, David Wilson.

The faults or errors that Tom Coughlin is habitually prone to making are legendary, especially with the coaches that regularly use him as a doormat.

What is glaring here is the fact that he is still the coach? Mr.Mara is often referenced as a source of information instead of the general manager, Jerry Reese.

Tom Coughlin has not ever won constantly and the Giants have been burdened under his pedestrian leadership.

The Giants, my favorite NFL team, are in a period of reorganization now because of retaining Tom Coughlin.  The current players  are all in a state of flux because of this coach. There are options …still. There are other coaches.

When the owners, Mara and Tisch, decide to give the reins to the General Manager, Jerry Reese, the Giants will be moving forward and surely winning consistently .

Justice?………….For All!

There are a host crimes that a person can be prosecuted for. The one crime that reigns supreme to me  is the liar. I am sure very few humans have not been guilty of this demeaning and completely foolish act that manages to be never forgiven when the perpetrator is caught or uncovered.

When committed in public or under oath, the penalty is scorn, and imprisonment. Absolutely deserving beyond a doubt, this action provides some satisfaction for society but a smidgen of conscience would never free the pathetic soul that must live forever with the label and reputation of the pariah.

Society and the Federal government has zero tolerance of this crime from celebrities and professional athletes and the defenseless minorities. Barry Bonds, Roger Clemens, Lance Armstrong and many others like them all have been pursued relentlessly by the government. While spending millions of the taxpayer’s money on prosecuting these self destructive family felons, the public insists on taking everything from these people including their money, self respect, freedom and testicles.

The lack of any prosecution efforts on George W. Bush, Dick”Halliburton” Cheney, John Ashcroft and a broad range of Republican /Democratic congressmen during “Dubya’s”2000-2008 administration clearly suggests , at least until this point, a double standard.

This omission by the present administration has baffled me since 2008. The freedom, justice and equality mantra  mandates  indictments and prosecutions for the lies that killed and wounded over 100 thousand American service personnel, destroyed  a historically significant nation (Iraq) pillaging and plundering with every step.These vile and unbelievably numerous acts makes the cliche “compounding the felony” a reality that threatens every one.

Their names are just too many to list but the congressman that was having private personal ships built from taxpayer’s   Federal Defense contracts is a easily retrieved example, to say little about the “weapons of mass destruction” fiasco.

These criminal acts are documented in every way imaginable so I do not understand why these heartless, selfish enemies of peace and equality are left without being held accountable. This delay in prosecution has spawned the venom and lies that persists about the present administration and gave birth to the”Tea Party”. It has also provided the gallows as a end for the GOP, sealed their doom as the present party is imaged.

My Dad, a dyslexic before it was presently defined, hated to be lied to. I remember his chastisement when he caught me lying. After enduring “my penalty”for lying to him he sat me on his lap, wiped the tears from eyes and asked me to choose which was the worst between a cold heart thief, a murderer, or a liar.

He didn’t wait for my long thought of answer. Perhaps seriously impatient as I often am, he simply said “the Liar” because he could be all three. 

Khafis…The Prison System

       Rahway in 1977 was the same as it was  when conceived in prehistoric times. Dark, labyrinth like, with steel and concrete seasoned with brick and stone, it squatted and sprawled out  for all to see. A bird feces green dome sat over the central complex . It was the second maximum prison in New Jersey until the middle 20th century.  This human stockyard had  a green toad effect as it sat by  old US highway #1.

The central dungeon was actually constructed to warehouse 750 humans in the late 19th century. ’77 was the year the population was at a angry overflow of 1200.

No, Rahway wasn’t ever big. Certainly, not by today’s standards and being totally without a tad of technology or modern creature comforts became a redundant confirmation. It was an old joint with walls that sweat in the summer,toilets that were..clogged … and a sardine packed population that constantly fueled volatile climates and random violence.

Seems it was a hot year from the early spring sentencing. Some inmates were upset when Elvis died.  Some .  A lot of people die in prison everyday.   The celebrities outside get a little fame for a few ..minutes.. Inside  they  get to live differently.  they discover people die in prisons much more than one can imagine.  Not exactly needed information, perhaps,is the reason it is so hushed.

Khafis was an inmate there at that time  and so was  Omar, at least that was the name that the inmates decided fit him more often than Buddha. Both were often the preference rather than his  birth or slave name. Often one’s label was a nickname that might prevail but in the Iron house, you even got your “number” called a few times every day. Dehumanization was easy to feel.

Muslim influence was strong. Before Malcolm X and forward to now that plantation last name and the oddly spelled first English names of African-Americans had a uncomfortable odor ….for some us for sure.

The opportunity to embrace Islamic attributes was felt intensely after being submerged in the  vat of human misery that is  a prison. Other “benefits”from being incarcerated there and then was OJT on survival tactics ….from running to striking first.

Discussions on how to be a better “stick-up man” were always enlightening. Did you ever consider what was more intimidating or persuasive during a robbery between a double barrel shotgun over and under or side by side? Hmm?

Those Muslim names are now common. In the 3 million inmate population of this civilized and progressive country of which 2.8 million are….nonwhite, these names flourish .They are often statements of respect from others or of self value.

This is how Khafis evolved and Omar was  initiated. This was Omar’ s  first bid…in Rahway …..but Khafis had been a product of the NJ correctional system from his  early youth. The usual progression was Jamesburg (youth) 2  terms,  then Annandale Reformatory (teen) 2 terms followed by Bordentown Reformatory and the PRISON SYSTEM.

Khafis was one of an endless line of life’s early ineligibles. Since the beginning of the ghettos in the industrialized cities in every state this process in self elimination was encouraged. Many of these young people were deemed “ineligible”for the rest of their life from the first arrest.

Khafis and Omar  met  while operating the morning dishwasher in the Old Soldiers Home in Edison. Being on minimum custody after serving in max behind the wall was a incentive getting assigned there  a huge  plus. The Reception/library room was also a totally better environment to receive your visits. Omar always got his and Khafis, like so many others never got a visit. There were people that could  get a “conjugal” visit, on the sneak, depending on their risk factors. and their intestinal fortitude.

Great artists, writers, musicians, teachers, scientists, were  often sprinkled  among the drug felons, B&E craftsmen and assorted  other serious outlaws. The drug related sentences were so great in quantity and variety that we the inmates always knew that the book rules were stacked against the people who just wanted their preferred medicine.

Every one from the informers to rehab snitchers know the real deal. None of that works and the prison population that is constantly swelling would be so much less  and possibly productive with effective therapy and abolition of draconian drug laws .Separation from the career criminals and psychopaths would lift the spirits of many or certainly couldn’t hurt.

Hell, Rahway was prison. Inmates were not having a bitching session. That chaos was what goes down in Prison. That inner “Chaos” is a most lasting by product of the inmate who is being funded by the taxpayer to the tune of Thirty thousand dollars per year for each….Inmate!!?

My question after  talking to Omar was ” What does one do with this human being who has been trained in breaking all rules, angry as hell and deeply frustrated, after being released?….Options were and still are short.

Dying in prison is a choice or even a strong possibility until…parole….. and then after being  stunned  into hopelessness by realizing that being deemed “expendable” for life, returning to crime and then back to prison….?…Is it that automatic?……

What does a humane  society do with over three million prisoners in the house?…What do you  do when you have to “release” these often intelligent or not so intelligent angry people? These people who have families and human needs like all others yet cannot be included ever again. They are felons  or convicts, now,educated and newly  skilled in the courses that you cannot help but remember  and consider when deemed “expendable”.

Omar said what made Khafis memorable was his fierce pride and strength.. and ..heart.  A soul commitment to Islam…. coupled with the fact that he was the man that was sticking up a supermarket when his Mom walked in…..She was a breath from fainting as he demanded the store manager to give  the shaky lady his coat because they all had to go to the freezer …etc

Khafis was not his birth name either.

Eavesdroppin on the Wino and Junkie….Say What?

W:……wake up?……..wake up?………you would be dead if it wasn’t for droolin….

J: I was just nodding …….thank you ……that is not allowed or against the  law…?

W: Missed you….heh-heh….What do you think was a better choice..Palin or Ryan?

J:…Are  you effing kidding me?

W: C’ nice…he was just a product of that Republican house of rep…..

J:…Be nice?……..That “Republican” faction is hopeless….They just do not want to know the truth or the fact that their conservative label is now clearly a code word for BIGOT

W: Hmmmmm…you junkies have some hell fire thoughts!

J: …After being stripped of their camouflage by time and historical truth  they have to revise the stories of the south.

W:….You mean the phony stories about being humane while realizing new depths in the deplorable trade of slavery and conducting  genocide against the native American?

J:…..Yes…this last election and the conditions that preceded it dictated a confrontation with reality……Years of lies and just extraordinary bullshit from the Pilgrims to the “Fiscal  Cliff” responsibility of now and they are simply void of honesty, integrity and enough compassion for others…..

W:.Too harsh man, too harsh ….. all Republicans?…….America, the beautiful?..No compassion?

J:..I am not inventing anything here..this congress will go down with the ship because their causes are the ultimate harsh…manipulation and exploitation of “others” for their own selfish gain, and an inability to accept the fact that the “we are the only worthy people on the planet” concept is a cruel lie now and always was .

W:…you mean the AntiBama bigotry and the lies they have lived for eternity”are linked to the fiscal crisis?

J: Absolutely…and….they obstruct every thing that denotes forward progress….

W: I can see your thinking and I like it…..By the way…I got the tremors last night and fell down just standing up…who is your medicine man?……

The Coach in NFL Football…

This is an attempt to collect a debt.

As a fan, I do believe that ownership owes  a sincere committed effort to produce the best team possible. Incompetence and mediocrity should never be tolerated much less accepted.  Ownership should demand the best from every level of the organization.

A football team begins with the choice of “Coach”.

Every year teams change coaches. The criteria for the successor or “new” coach  is up to imagination often but the change is made because the incumbent staff is unsuccessful at winning.

The winning Coach must be a excellent communicator, a teacher, a confidant for the players and staff .He must also be confident in his ability to choose players and strategy successfully. Mediocre players can win with a skilled effective coach. Gifted players under the stewardship of skilled coaches create dynasties.

These are some  examples  of excellent  coaches.  They are  also available, now ,for the right salary.

Jimmy Johnson..former coach of Cowboys .Now TV analyst

Tony Dungy…….former coach of Colts..Now TV analyst

Bill Cowher………former coach of Steelers ..Now TV analyst..

These men  were winning coaches and all exhibited  the above mentioned skills necessary to bring the best from their player’s abilities. The skilled players  of the Giants were perhaps comparable to Jimmy’s Dallas winners but  now these new Giants have more gifted athletes.

Bill Belichick, Mike Shanahan, John Fox have never ever had the herd of gifted athletes that Coughlin has abused.

Tom Coughlin of the N.Y.Giants  is truly mediocre at best, considering his won-lost record. Yet, he is being considered for immortality? Maybe not ! Two Super Bowls in nine years  of roller coaster games with  a constant injury handicap. This is always followed with the exodus of great players that the league competes with each other to sign and replace their starters! He never takes the ownership of this constant disappointment. He blames players and assistants .Tom Coughlin is deft at eluding accountability.

Victor Cruz sat the season with the team having receiver shortages because of the Coach’s ill decisions.

David Wilson sits his rookie season because the coach plays a severely injured martyr. He actually  allowed the team to spend time and money on the runner scrap heap before he would support this gifted athlete drafted in the first round . Surely, a injury suit for  the Giants  will follow at the end of the veteran runner’s career.

Eli Manning’s guardian angel is exhausted.

Tom Coughlin is the only problem with the NY Giants. Why he is without criticism baffles me.  He needed Steve Spagnola’s  defense to save his season and then, with acts of God prevailing all over, defeated  the Patriots in 2008.

His defensive coordinators must rescue his pathetic offense decisions constantly .Special teams successes are thrown away with impunity because of the blunder choices that follow. Last year he stumbles through the season and his superior athletes rescue him again.

Now we must lose athletes and keep Tom Coughlin. That is the most expensive and demoralizing proposition  I can imagine.

He is obviously not retiring and his coaching skills are a myth. Certainly the neglect of premier draft choices and playing injured players are an infringement on the human resources . This has to be annoying and frustrating for the General Manager.

Media blurts and ownership quotes are all one gets about Tom Coughlin.  He is not Jerry Reese’s choice for coach now or ever rest assured. This must be addressed by ownership for progress to begin with winning consecutively.

The athletes on the Giants roster are extraordinary every year. They are the result of the superb draft and free agent successes of the personnel acquisition group headed by General Manager Jerry Reese.

When will the General manager of the NY Giants get the opportunity to choose his selection to Coach?

The Long life of the Serial Killer..Our lives at Risk

  Mass murder, homicides, assassination, manslaughter.. how long will we continue to allow these  threats to our very lives  be tolerated?  This absolute evil has surfaced again in Newtown. The horrifying magnitude of these events stagger every thought, plan, dream.

In acts far away in Norway or Africa or Palestine we are a bit reserved with our agony and pain. Of course all children and people , friends and neighbors we know count? Could it just be the incredible shock of early childhood children being slaughtered in mass in their neighborhood school? The count is on going…..

The tragedy and endless sorrow of these unnecessary deaths has never been enough of  a deterrent.  Killing evidently justifies more killing.  Is it possible that “No Killing” of any kind, for any reason, … might start a trend in that direction? Yes, that is what I am saying.  Stop the killing!

How naive is that? That would be a great start for all humans. We must simply try .There is no other option and meanwhile we can control the tools of killing.

Being a human and knowing how imperfect we all are, I will  concede that there will always be some really sick and dangerous people who would make the victim count always possible. Exploring and studying the youth or past life of the lowest and depraved will not bring any end to the killing or life of the killer.  Discussing the credits and minuses of the demented’s  society and family influences are  interesting exercises in psychology but fruitless in producing a solution to ending the carnage. Our efforts to find some rational or solace in human behavior is only ego massage/ consolation.

People are unpredictable.

Guns, Rifles, Pistols  are not. When loaded with ammunition and in the hands of a irresponsible “person”, tragedy happens..Death is often the preferred result when compared to some physical and neurological victims.

All GUNS must be controlled. Eventually, guns can be erased, eliminated. This is the serial killer.

This serial killer has many names . All are sickeningly familiar. Colt, Glock. Sauer, Browning, Beretta, Remington. The most low and depraved  life of humanity are empowered by possession of these “killers”.

The senseless murders of children in schools, innocents shopping  or strolling in the neighborhood, theaters, houses of worship, are becoming legends of infamy. These acts must never be tolerated and all who oppose the measures to safeguard the population by controlling weapons should be prosecuted as accessories.

We can monitor those that own legal weapons

We can monitor all ammunition sold and replaced

We can structure rigid guidelines to new owners and ban assault and military weapons.

We can repossess and confiscate all weapons that are unregistered or without approved official purpose.

We can monitor  the documented behavior eccentrics and arrest recorded criminals active before the tragedy takes place.

These actions can be taken today…now…!

A serious and effective beginning is absolutely mandated today so we can say we have taken some measures to end this madness.

We can end the life of this “serial killer”.

Election 2012… the Postmortem of the GOP

  The election is over. A confirmation of the progress of the Obama administration choices, their policy  applications  and their future plans won a resounding victory  over those offered by the opposition in the voting booth on 6 November 2012 .

At that time it was certainly  obvious to me that victory was  clearly for the Democrats and some hope did remain for the  members of the deceased party to accept reality.  That was not to be ….yet.

The posturing and continued  utterances from the deceased party is still, amazingly enough, being heard. The issues are even being repeated as if they had any credibility. Having saturated the media with lies and assorted distractions,  the family of this now decomposing creature is offering threats and  turmoil to keep the rich from paying more taxes.

The inability to accept reality will persist or continue as long as it is tolerated. The personality conflicts in Congress are entrenched in our nation’s history and as long as some remnants of the past decadence is unpunished, the Bush/Cheney horrors to be specific, we will be subjected to these painful reminders.

This last election and the 2008 election marked a visible change in the leadership of the free world, no pun intended.  The victory was not Barack over Mitt, nor Democrats over Republicans  but cause and  social issues from the earliest of human history progressing and getting roots in the future.

This was a victory for accumulated efforts and failures.  This  result has reassured that all men being accepted and valued by their character and way of life is the standard.

This victory  has offered the premise again that war is not a solution ever. Weapon growth, Arsenals that clearly cannot be used  are being reduced and when discussion and reasoning is possible, all wonders in peace and harmony are also.

This victory increases the probability that, we the people, will be able to  share in the best that life offers with increased opportunities and fair play.

This election victory underlines the fact that the future of all  life  being taken seriously is a not just a dream  in progress but an enforced reality. There will be New Gun Control laws.

This victory has endorsed the realization that healthcare will be a possibility for everyone .It has ascertained the fact  that Education reform and continued support has been insured.

This victory has insured the immigration rights and dreams of all humanity to a possible fulfillment in this the greatest nation on earth.

This election victory begins the  premise of rebuilding the infrastructure and providing jobs with pay. All of this is a possibility because of the results from our sterling democratic efforts and loyalty to our causes .

I am more than ever proud to be a citizen of the USA.

This monumental victory illuminates the false hoods of entitlements, nepotism, voter manipulation and fraud. Above all, it rejects racism and bigotry while further ensuring the freedoms of women and the less fortunate.

These habits are systemic in or a part of the DNA of the GOP. These very same  habits have never been for the good of mankind. This election confirms the choices of people of the United States.

Those tragic character traits will be entombed with the GOP.

The Giants……A Dynasty in Progress

The New York Giants are the best team in the National Football League . There is  a problem with making that declaration at this time because their record reflects another truth . It is not the best record. Their losses reveal a painful inconsistency that will always have a final ugliness if left unattended to, even on the best team.

The reality of having Tom Coughlin as their coach is a critical factor in any following sequence. His record prior to becoming the Giant’s coach without the approval of the General Manager is in itself unique . It is also interesting,  particularly considering the mediocrity of his record.

The journey has been long from the earliest beginnings of professional football to now. A seemingly very good person and a definitely good coach, Tom Coughlin has been around a very long time. People have been known to age well .

Football is a “prime” time sport played by athletes in their prime health for their prime careers success.  The Coach is the dictator who decides who sits and who plays, who  goes and who stays.The Coach can wreck or seriously undermine careers and motivation. He can choose plays that will end a career or life. He can stock the league with great players that he discards or doesn’t like ,…all to the detriment of his team, players and fans.

He, Tom Coughlin  is the only professional coach that Eli Manning has ever had. The abundance of gifted athletes that has passed through the Giant roster  in this time  period  is approaching legend..The team now lists like a potential “all-star” team. The Giants will be winners .The cost could be more than we as Giant fans want to pay.

Coach Coughlin has been the only professional coach for many players and those players and we are grateful for his service. He is  making good decisions but they are clearly not prime decisions.He is not in the prime time of his life.

I am suspicious of  Coaches playing the injured to their detriment. I am suspicious of Coaches  exposing the “franchise”players in a reckless way. I am suspicious of Giant  discards stocking the rest of the league while we play inconsistent football

Eli and the other young greats deserve an opportunity to continue their careers with  a fresh and progressive staff, now, and most importantly, achieve the immortality of their time….not his.

A  Coach clearly in his prime that which is demonstrated through his actions and decisions would be more in concert with the dynasty that is in progress…..

Tom’s extended prime”?….I am suspicious…..