There are times and issues that are most difficult to endure. Individually addressed, I am sure these two subjects, times and issues, would have different priorities.
These times and these issues of today affect us all. The absence of addressing or confronting them has not only prolonged our agony but created the burden of spawning countless other problems.
Addressing the issue at hand is the unfinished business of burying the dead. The “dead” being the deplorable group of misinformed apparitions that was formerly known as the Republican party or GOP.
History is a reference that is often distorted by the retriever of said information. We must now give some attention to the history of the Republican party. The spirit of Lincoln was not ever shared or embraced. We have as a everlasting memory the great depression of the thirties and the racism and elitism of that period.
The lack of consideration or ever caring about the common man was common and many were supporters of the Third Reich. The ability to be warmongers and pawns of the wealthy and the lobbyist are confirmed by their representatives and their actions beyond any doubt. My grandfather always said the Republicans were for the rich or wealthy and Democrats for the worker.
Being Afro-American was a disqualifying factor in his mind because” neither party would change our plight or be inclusive of our needs”. He still treasured his voting rights and insisted on family commitment to this American privilege.
In this particular issue at this time we are being obstructed and burdened by this now deceased Republican party. These are people consumed by the social and economic ills of the past who are incapable of being progressive or ever open to the changes that have become a integral part of today’s society. The Republicans, new or old, are STILL a group of misinformed prevaricators who have no intention of facing their crimes and social ills.
The ideas and proposals from this group are a sad reminder daily of their terminal constipation. The attempts to be pious via Bible based or so called Conservative dogma is insensitivity at it’s best. They are also unabashed liars and total hypocrites. Unfortunately,that often can be said of many “politicians” in general but we are focusing on this time, our time in history and the social diseases that are fostering hate, discord and death to the masses.
The “life after death “group called the GOP or “Tea Party” has embraced and tried with every effort to retard and obstruct any plan or proposal from the now twice elected administration in the United States or the will of the people for five years.
Let’s briefly list their latest blunders…..sequester, fiscal cliff, use of congressional rules for personal or special interests. They are panderers to all issues that may be a obstacle to approval of the present administration actions without any thought of the citizens and other humans of the world.
Spending taxpayer money and vital time with impunity in search of a reason to discount the first administration in U.S. history to be so effective in Foreign Affairs and Diplomacy, vibrant growing economy and ending unemployment is beyond redemption. Their list of insults, stupidity, and crimes is very long from my point of view. This fuels my curiosity about “unfinished business” . Why these people have not been held accountable baffles the hell out of me.
They are committed to insulting women and being opportunistic bigots. Praying for the collapse or failure of Obamacare they march in dysfunctional goose step backwards embracing decadence and unbelievable resistance to accepting the failures and absurdity of their present positions.
These so called pro lifers and stalwarts of human decency would STILL allow misfits and the mentally deranged to access weapons that are designed for killing masses of human beings……after Aurora, Newtown and the daily senseless murders in our homes and neighborhoods.
Trayvon Martin is another “expendable” victim in a endless line before him who is a casualty of this horrible mental disorder that my country has condemned most other nations for, most ,but in their hypocrisy,condone or even harbor and nurture and defend that same insulting and dehumanizing thinking .
Not one “Republican Leader “has supported the right of Trayvon to stand his ground or questioned the absurd racist laws of Florida and the States of the Confederacy or other states that has used “stand your ground laws” to kill minorities.
These still “active”social misfits have found strength in not being held accountable for their past crimes and total obstructive behavior in trying to resist the progress in human growth and brotherhood.
Now “they”are holding on to Benghazi and the fact that the IRS has “focused” on their element while that farcical attempt to hijack the last presidential election with their money manipulations revealed they never had a chance to win legally. Anything to distract from the progress of this nation under new leadership from the top down. Anything.
The DOJ is snooping….?Hmmm. Atty. General Holder has got to be “champing on the bit” in his eagerness to present indictments. He can certainly start with Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld etc. It would take more space and more time than I have to extend this perpetrator list. However, This is the most necessary “Business” to finish on this planet . There must be JUSTICE,……NOW!
These pawns and their petty harassing hemorrhoid moves that are funded by the illegally wealthy will disappear faster than Al-Qaida…. IF…. Mr. Holder opens inquiry and sticks an indictment or two in the mix. This is a promised fact, no crystal ball needed!
These are not ordinary times and this administration is anything but “ordinary”. A most needed change was implemented and executed by a most needed administration. This is the most “NEEDED” indictment . We must demand accountability and justice for the history of mankind.The crimes of the Bush administration,local,national and world combined all the worst scenarios in the history of mankind or politics.
There is no reason to prolong mandating accountability.These social predators will never admit their crimes or acknowledge the progress since their removal from power.They will never admit that all humanity deserves equality or that the Affordable Care Act….(Obamacare?) is a success and a growing strength and blessing to the needy. They will never admit the economy, including jobs, is better and growing more than ever before in U.S. history. The Dow Jones index is approaching 16k. They will never admit that segregation is a detriment in every way to human harmony. Their hypocritical, racist, elitist legal maneuvers are in fact a cover for more sinister possibilities, if that can be imagined.
These …”Republicans have fostered all of the problems we now are distressed and threatened by..All are Republican based..The most egregious factor about them is their constant distortion of the truth or they believe their ridiculous gutless lies to avoid accountability.
They promised doom and chaos from everything they couldn’t obstruct. None of this was ever truth as is the rest of their reasoning or rational. The only common factors are the bigotry and racism mated with inhuman feelings for minorities and any dissenter.
There is no mystery here. These people are the former leaders of the Republican party..The wars, the recession, inner house dissension,unemployment and lack of a positive plan are their signatures. How in hell can we listen to people like John McCain, Sarah Palin and the “tea party”? Why should we consider these people who have no history of being positive or accurate in their thinking or planning and have all supported the sick and absolutely criminal actions of the past administration?
Why anyone can possibly respect or trust these social misfits, proven liars in ANY WAY is an astounding curiosity forever unless it is just the remaining scent from their ghost toilet use that will surely vanish with the ventilation of indictments.