Eavesdropping on the Wino and the Junkie

J: What? Is that you down here in the sunshine?
W: yes, enjoying the Seafood Festival on the Jersey shore.
J: Last time I saw you you were crying about fishy stuff everywhere and you hated fish.
W: Not quite my words but you put it nicely, so to speak.
W: The progress to Democracy had caught me up in the fight and that “American” party was totally exposed for the disgusting reality that they are.
J: Damn, there you go again with that political thang.
W: Yeah, Man, they are bringing out the real corpses now. Lying is their mantra.
J: It is amazing that they really do not care at all about anybody. The actions of the past are just a reality that they are owning beyond death.
W: Hold it! You done skipped to fast for me. What do you mean by all that?
J:Their efforts to obstruct and deny from the grave, championed by the phony from Illinois and the “broad” from Georgia. Then, there is the habitual fibber from New York. Oh, the turtle, and even the sometime righteous faithful fall short because at their core is the disease Racism. They cannot disown their horrific acts of the past because they are still anchored there.
W: The base is not into anything but guns, the loudmouths are being locked up, one by one.
J: Startling examples of “supremacy, don’t you think?
W: Fishy was where we started, did you try those Alligator nuggets and Jerk Ostrich and beans?

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