Election 2012… the Postmortem of the GOP

  The election is over. A confirmation of the progress of the Obama administration choices, their policy  applications  and their future plans won a resounding victory  over those offered by the opposition in the voting booth on 6 November 2012 .

At that time it was certainly  obvious to me that victory was  clearly for the Democrats and some hope did remain for the  members of the deceased party to accept reality.  That was not to be ….yet.

The posturing and continued  utterances from the deceased party is still, amazingly enough, being heard. The issues are even being repeated as if they had any credibility. Having saturated the media with lies and assorted distractions,  the family of this now decomposing creature is offering threats and  turmoil to keep the rich from paying more taxes.

The inability to accept reality will persist or continue as long as it is tolerated. The personality conflicts in Congress are entrenched in our nation’s history and as long as some remnants of the past decadence is unpunished, the Bush/Cheney horrors to be specific, we will be subjected to these painful reminders.

This last election and the 2008 election marked a visible change in the leadership of the free world, no pun intended.  The victory was not Barack over Mitt, nor Democrats over Republicans  but cause and  social issues from the earliest of human history progressing and getting roots in the future.

This was a victory for accumulated efforts and failures.  This  result has reassured that all men being accepted and valued by their character and way of life is the standard.

This victory  has offered the premise again that war is not a solution ever. Weapon growth, Arsenals that clearly cannot be used  are being reduced and when discussion and reasoning is possible, all wonders in peace and harmony are also.

This victory increases the probability that, we the people, will be able to  share in the best that life offers with increased opportunities and fair play.

This election victory underlines the fact that the future of all  life  being taken seriously is a not just a dream  in progress but an enforced reality. There will be New Gun Control laws.

This victory has endorsed the realization that healthcare will be a possibility for everyone .It has ascertained the fact  that Education reform and continued support has been insured.

This victory has insured the immigration rights and dreams of all humanity to a possible fulfillment in this the greatest nation on earth.

This election victory begins the  premise of rebuilding the infrastructure and providing jobs with pay. All of this is a possibility because of the results from our sterling democratic efforts and loyalty to our causes .

I am more than ever proud to be a citizen of the USA.

This monumental victory illuminates the false hoods of entitlements, nepotism, voter manipulation and fraud. Above all, it rejects racism and bigotry while further ensuring the freedoms of women and the less fortunate.

These habits are systemic in or a part of the DNA of the GOP. These very same  habits have never been for the good of mankind. This election confirms the choices of people of the United States.

Those tragic character traits will be entombed with the GOP.

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