The Election of 2012..Democracy, A Work in Progress

          In 2008 Barack Obama was elected president of the United States. His opponents were John McCain and Sarah Palin. They represented the Republican party at that time after a tedious and embarrassing search through assorted misfits, liars and  political criminals.

The Bush administration, Republican, which had been in office for eight years, was a gross disaster of epic proportions. Killing thousands of people in wars that were fostered on the American table by lying to the congress and the people of the United States, they pressed on.

They destroyed the economy, the financial stability,  national industries (Banks,Auto) and then plundered the resources while sending the national debt to depths that seemed unrecoverable. They left office slinking away. Totally unable to be public in support of their new candidates or show their presence, these greedy racists  remain in the shadows.

It remains a burning curiosity of mine that they can still continue their lives without being held accountable. They and they alone caused the deaths of over four thousand American armed forces personnel and an estimated one million innocent Iraq citizens.

Their depravity has resulted in the destruction and end of the Republican party as we once knew it. The remnants of that sordid  group cannot show their public presence in support of any one or group without bringing the stigma of stench with them.

I, for one, will not mourn their demise or the death of that party. The thinking that prevailed is still being nurtured and fed. We, the people, are left with a pitiful choice from the usual suspects who cannot stomach themselves on the morning after exposure. Their friends, families and the nation wince in reflection. The agony remains from their long period of greed, racist and separatist design.

The Republicans did not own these flaws alone. These are human faults at large , unfortunately. The Republicans did employ and reinforce these human cruelties with emphasis and without any intention to change or be humane in this last Bush administration.

It has taken a sharp contrast in executive leadership to show how these dastardly political maneuvers effect everyone clearly.

These activities and the thinking that propels them have no place in a democratic society. These manipulations cannot be clothed or hidden ever again. The people that employ those ills are no longer acceptable in any way especially on the ballot.

However, within a Democracy, a work in progress must continue to  persist. The dredges of society that previously prevailed still exist. The examples lie in people like Gingrich, Bachmann, Tea party affiliates that threaten constantly to disrupt any progress.

Having managed to promote some sadistic, selfish, mentally petite  individuals into Congress, they have managed to hinder all movement for the good and welfare of all Americans and humans at large. These dingle-berries will do anything to obstruct the passing of laws that would make life worth living for the minority and for the majority.

They cannot reverse the passing of a health act, that has the possibility of insuring care for everyone. They cannot alter the fact that unemployment is  ending …I repeat ..ending, in a rush..They cannot continue making war and killing innocent armed forces personnel and humans of other countries like they did in Iraq. They cannot terrorize our population and future with pretending to search for a creep like BinLadin and his Al-Quaeda cronies while stealing from the taxpayer with bankrupting bills from their chosen  corrupt suppliers.   The soldiers are home from Iraq.

They still stubbornly and with unbelievable stupidity choose to use any ploy to obstruct this administration. The reason is simple. They are racists and separatists , children of the same and reared amongst the lies and inhumanity of that thinking. They cannot accept the fact that it was all a huge lie..A horrendous crime against all humanity and the slave was not the only victim. A crime that my country, America, has to eventually cleanse from it’s very soul and in the process, perhaps, from the planet.

No,  that time is thankfully over and the removal of its remains are being swept from Iraq and the mid-east methodically. It is being weeded out of our government with a  patience and respect that can only come in a Democracy, governed with thought and purpose and supported by a people committed to freedom and justice for all.

This “Democracy”… is taking hold after that stunning result of 2008.

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