Life Support for the Republicans..Pathetic Democrats

This is why the Republican party still breathes.

Our Democratic party is nursing them constantly with their indecision and petty internal sniping.

This President is a really unique and persevering individual. His party needs to unify and be firm.Their lack of commitment to be supportive of him and their own colleagues provides the strongest issue to be a pest..unnecessarily.

There is not one Republican or any platform they seem to articulate worth the agony of repeating. If the Democrats were united now , they could  accomplish the changes that they outline. This is a significant moment in America’s history.This is a moment in which all the major issues in mankind’s history can be focused on and directed to eventual resolution.

There is another, sad, but true fact.

Racism is so systemic we all must be vigilant to be clear and focused. Yes, Obama’s  fellow Democrats are victims of this thinking. Blacks as well as whites suffer. The religious bigotry is equally sickening. The bias against independent thought and intelligence is another notable handicap.

This President is clearly intelligent, a  necessary quality, I would think, in this position. Unfortunately, in politics and in this position, that has been  lacking too often. Intelligence has triumphed through out history. When coupled with courage it has made the cornerstones for mankind  to build on.

An “intelligent approach” was on exhibit many times in this administration’s efforts to fulfill the necessary demands of the crises in 2008. The latest and perhaps, a historical example, was the command and coordination of the initiative needed to finally  close the Osama Bin Laden issue. The piece by piece dismemberment of Al-Qaeda is a relief to the whole middle east. The cabinet choices and their effective foreign policy is a reflection of their collective thinking collaboration.

His”American Jobs Act” is another piece in the quilt of  this “thinking” progression.

The opposition, including  some Democrats, in contrast, are not able to offer any platform of their own. None, except to project he won’t be reelected in 2012.

It is sad , to me, that they allow this ilk some time or audience for their profiles.

Is this America at it’s best? No not yet, but the work is truly in progress..

Intelligence and courage will triumph.

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