Oil Spill

            First,   I like Mr. President , Barack  Obama . Why, you ask?

It seems to me that all the problems in this administration’s  tenure are being addressed and taken care of.  A sensible clear approach with consideration for everyone involved seems to be the plan…without a prepared script.

This oil spill is a disaster of epic proportions. It is a shock and horror on all living creatures including mankind, especially in this gulf region.  Mr. Obama insists on “hands on” direction.. He then chooses responsible competent people  to lead, to solve and apply solutions  as his delegates.

In this case, what is truly significant is holding  BP  accountable and,  being responsible, powering in a factor to more than compensate for the financial loss,  cost  and retribution to impacted families and business.

It cannot be any better.

The leak will be plugged at some point or capped.The clean -up will be done.

Over a period of time the Eco/environmental  loss will be rehabilitated and reestablished all under BP ‘s commitment to pay for all themselves..All?..Yes,  ALL.

They did it and they will pay for it.  This is the best part.    MONEY from  BP  to immediately help sustain and to insure that the victims, people and other life forms won’t be suffering …too long.

Compensation  for the victims….sounds like a “won” case in U.S, civil court with the trial being held already and… well, you understand where I am going.

This Mr. President, is a professional legal advocate for the people.  Final estimates and figures have yet to be noted but twenty billion dollars out of the gate is not a bad start..It could be major depending on what follows. This could change the future of the whole south in a very positive way ultimately.

Ironic,  this dour, sad, scary moment being the dawn of a new beginning,  a brighter day forever, …. for the South.

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