The Debate……2012 Election

The election of 2012 is a monumental struggle in democracy.The elements and the factors combine to emphacize the importance of these  results to be one of the most signicant in history.

The incumbent, Barack Obama, was to say the least , as unimpressive as he was disappointing, even to his most loyal supporters.

There were many opportunities to expose the GOP candidate as a unabashed liar and opportunistic manipulator that were left unattacked.  That omission posed many questions that should have been sealed in valid confirmation by facts before offered and confronted immediately when spoken by this hysterical maniacal mouth.

Truth was stretched constantly and my curiosity abounds as to why and how this behavior is permitted. It joins my endless questioning  of the lack of prosecution for the crimes of the last GOP administration.

Being a mere citizen, a true member of the 47% that the GOP has no use for, I admit to being a bit clueless as to the approach of our President, and to what strategy will be employed in the next encounter.

It has been offered, in casual places, that there is a method to this madness. That method  being in giving Mr. Romney an opportunity to expose his weapons/tools and his lack of respect for rules of order and social manners, our President does not have to bear criticism for being a”angry minority” or letting the truth flow freely without being interrupted.

It certainly makes the next debate more interesting and compelling.

Eavesdroppin on the Wino and Junkie….Say What?

W:  My man ….is that you standing…up?

J: Very funny….what a friend you are!

W: Don’t tell  me you are sensitive?..thinskin.?…he he…..Damn ! All wide-eyed and alert? Is something on your mind today?

J: Watching  and listening to these political …”conventions”…can be revealing if the media were…

W: They are necessary, the media is, and they  are so plentiful…..all kinds all over the place.

J: Not where I was going..Do you have to interrupt all the time?…If the media was more forthright and  not often couching their words to allow meaningless distractions to prevail……

W:Uh- Oh are showing signs of paranoia or sumpin..

J: Now my faculties are ‘slippin” because I tell it like it is….sometime……Anyway, when are they going to own what this election has been birthed in and nurtured.?…Racism.!.That is the whole issue…Nothing..else.

W: Okay…and?…This is the U.S and that is not news!

J: That’s the point .Women’s rights, Wars, Economy, Abortion, Health care  all are addressed over and again…but being Black is not, at least, not on the front page…hmmmm..It is a double shame…

W: You are paranoid or sumpin …Bam is 50% and…

J: That is more than enough in the U.S. …..Louisiana constitution defines a person”Being Black ” if said person has one black great-great grandparent….

W:Damn…you been booking up too?

J: Not really…The issue is about a black president being the leader of this nation and thereby the free world .These damn bigots are turning in their graves…….ONLY THAT

W:Wow…You are right again…maybe…er left…..heh-heh..Pun?

J: Not funny …..Will they , the media, ever get to defining how human or humane a candidate  and their policies are?

The New York Giants ….emergence of a repeat

  The best team in the NFL is the Giants.This team is deep and talented at every position.These exceptional athletes are being recruited and signed by the best GM in the NFL, Jerry Reese.

The off season has seen the usual transition but in this process the Giants have become ever stronger. The only vulnerability is in the coaching. Mr.Reese has supplied the coaches with such consistent and  effective players they will win in spite of Tom Coughlin as they did in 2011.

To mention their names would only provide a list. Eli Manning is close to irreplaceable. His alternate is as good as alternates get. Yet we certainly do not want Eli hurt. Coach Coughlin exposes him and others to unnecessary risk. His defensive line will surely be a part of future folklore, assuming they are not depleted by being placed in negative positions by the failure of Tom’s poor use of offense opportunities.

The necessary  exposure to injury  in football is a constant with every team but for the Giants they must endure the ill decisions of Coach Coughlin. He and he alone is responsible for risking the health of Eli and others due to his curious decisions.

I am as always a total Giant fan so I ,too, must accept the Coach’s ill use of running backs and receivers . I am without a doubt thankful for GM Reese.

We will win this year…again…in spite of Coach Coughlin.

The Election of 2012…….in a nutshell

  The last forty six months has been a period of constant turmoil within the elective process . The ability to get any production out of congress and the leaders of any state that did not vote for Obama was non existent.

This 2012 election is fueled by the inherent systemic racism that still plagues our country. Although it  has been a declining influence on the planet as a whole, Racism is perhaps the oldest of the demons that wreaks havoc on mankind. There are others not to be addressed here and now because of the urgency in dealing with this one that is the fuel and the engine for this election.

This  chameleon devil, Racism, has managed to be decried only by victims and only when the current tragedies had managed to lose the  disguise of a secondary opinion as a cause.

The election  of a non white leader to the  head of the free world has ignited a political bedlam in the U.S.  His success in spite of constant obstruction by the rival party has brought this coming election to significance unequaled in our history .All holds have been lifted. The false sense of acceptance and peaceful cohabitation has been under intense scrutiny and constant reflection.  The feeling in some hearts cannot be hidden or individually supressed any longer. The lies and sordid attempts to disrupt and eliminate the freedoms of the founding fathers has been endless.

The Republican Convention in Tampa at this time speaks volumes about this factor being the staple. The attendees are sadly ,bigots with no plan to lead our nation or  to set examples for anything except the lowest and most inhumane practices possible in a democracy.  The themes  on economics and  unemployment are valid issues but the problem since 2008 has been the skin color of the current President.

Since that very day these assorted bigots have done nothing but cringe and recoil at the reality of having lost the election to a minority member of darker complexion. Three years and more of silly vicious efforts to obstruct any progress of any kind in the Congress without compassion for any other cause or effort was and is their mantra.

Their propaganda has  made Joseph Goebbel’s lies for Nazi Germany  seem almost infantile  in scope and and productive cost.

The People of this party are throwing nuts at news media of nonwhite skin.  The callous disrespect for women rights has been confirmed as party platform.

To continue to lie and to distort all truths just to enhance their elective possibilities is expected but the fact that this has been in the hearts of so many americans all their lives is astonishing and a shame.

Fortunately for everyone their sick efforts has only exposed the lack of character and values of this terminal party.

Only a true democracy can provide such wonderful contrast and opportunity to choose without an overwhelming human sacrifice in flesh and blood.

Our Lives at Risk…….

A movie theater in Colorado and a place of worship in Wisconsin. A jogger on a path in Pennsylvania and a series of similar sequels on Long Island. Minorities in their neighborhoods ,homes and in transit is where we are dying.

Does the impact of lost of life diminish when there are more than one that dies in that tragic unnecessary moment?  How about every life being in peril as long as the present approach remains in place. Everyone …including you and me, our family, our friends…at constant risk unless we, the living, take immediate action to stop the killing .

Easier said than done is too casual and careless a statement to be the final stop in this case.

I ,for one, do treasure living this life and I would like to think that everyone alive would want to ..continue Limited exceptions to this personal declaration excluded, I am contending that an immediate plan  to stop the killing is imperative.

If people are committed to continue killing regardless of our actions, then our directives could begin with  enforced methods to control or limit the tools of death.  A positive place to begin is the insistence of STRIDENT GUN CONTROL laws. When strictly enforced this  effort will show the beginnings of success immediately by the decrease in deaths.

We must start some place and although that seems to be a monumental  challenge, I am sure the plan to build the Pyramids was also. It was done!

While borrowing many things from Egyptian culture this practice lends me to believe that following the  brick by brick (pyramid) approach would eventually make this a done deal.

Okay, a long time before completion is a given. The Pyramids building project was a long time work in progress too.

We must , nevertheless, immediately begin..NOW….this act and other similar efforts……………….

before we will be guilty of being accessories to murder,

……………………….or victims!

The Last Gasp of the Republican Party……Flatline

A..candidate who cannot bare himself or his taxes or defend his actions at this time in an election year?

A candidate who has chosen  as his running mate a total neophyte bigot in an election year?

A Presidential candidate who will possibly be in deep inquiry just in time for election day ….for a series of unsavory civil/criminal activity?..(taxes again)….

A party that has clearly confirmed a lack of respect for the tenets of a moral humane society by their actions and  past and present .

Sounds terminal to me…..

Let us review the list of social diseases that have bought this pathetic party to the edge of it’s final resting place:




Disrespect and subjugation of our Mothers, Daughters,Sisters……WOMEN?

Short list ? These are so systemic in their character anything more is way too much for this epitaph.

These attributes are human and surely the Democrats have their share of kindred vermin. It seems curiously significant that at this time in human history that our beloved Republican party represents the core of these maladies and are willing to die with these convictions. To accept accountability for their injustices and accept the growth in mankind and mankind’s ability to know more truth now is beyond their conscience.

This last congress is a vivid example of their self serving nature. Unfortunately, it, this very “nature”, is rooted in  the darker,no pun intended, side of history.Their need to obstruct all ventures from the executive branch and to challenge existing law purely for the retardation of progress is damning .They refuse to govern for the good of the nation?

To resist change and persist  at the pursuit of their personal goals with such stubborn determination while avoiding accountability  for their deeds and commitments, at the risk, of all the sacred virtues of government, is unforgivable. Their despicable habits have joined to form the  internal cannibalism that consumes them.

I , for one, will not mourn these people. I will not mourn  the end of  the elitists, the end of the bigotry they all have in common. I will not mourn the end of the lies through out their history and the mistreatment of the common man.

While witnessing the growth of  Democracy in this unique nation through human struggle with all the pain and anguish is satisfying, the best reward is knowing the past is truly behind us.

We must demand accountability for the Bush/Cheney administration’s lies and and criminal  actions. Justice is mandate in an equal society.

We must no longer accept the inequality applied to women.

We must no longer tolerate partisan representation of the Congressional self-serving buffoons who seek to perpetuate the ills of the past cloaked in their petty diversion and divisive agendas.

I sincerely look forward to the future lined with the promise of better times ……  a better community, ….a better America …….and  world.

Unfinished Business-Election of 2012

Memorial Day is still the 30th of May. The parades were a thrill to me as a youth. My country at war for the defense of freedom, ours and the “free”world, was always a theme to remember.

The caissons, warplanes, artillery and weapons of war exhibited in the parades were  tools and symbols of  what remained from the fallen brave and valiant men and women that died for this country. The many portraits of cemeteries with their endless ranks and files of crosses were reminders that freedom came at a price. A staggering price that often was coupled with horrific details of the battles and the slaughter as part of a great plan for victory to preserve our freedoms and ultimately, our american way of life.

These freedoms have been echoed many times. Freedom of speech and the freedom to choose our leaders or representatives come to my mind now .

The freedom to vote to choose our elected leaders is monumental and paramount. For many Americans it was not available . Many methods were employed to deny this freedom .The disenfranchised were minorities, women, and the economically challenged. That era is coming to a rapid end, bit by bit, election by election. My country ,the United States of America, is the leader of nations embracing and enforcing the right to these freedoms.

The last four years have passed with unusual speed and intensity. I am of the opinion both factors were rooted in the fact that the United States of America was being lead by a man committed to keeping his promises and capable of  independent thinking  while governing and getting “things” done with courage, intelligence, grace and integrity.

The Presidency itself  is  a seat birthed in pressure by definition. The occupant, Barack Obama, a African American, made every move, every word, every decision a subject of scrutiny, controversy and immediate critique because he is the first non-white to hold this office.

A man of extraordinary energy and charisma, President Obama brought sanity and a feeling of “understanding”  foreign relations to the common man. His administration has ended a criminal war in Iraq while rescuing the auto industry and financial institutions. He has  pulled the economy out of free fall and certain depression.

Now we stand on the edge of the election 2012……

My glaring disappointment in this President is for not “cleaning house”. The Republican administration, G.W.Bush/Cheney, etc  were totally criminal in many ways in their last opportunity. That administration lied to congress and the American people. That administration killed  over one million Iraq citizens with lies and manipulations.They raped and pillaged one of the most ancient and culturally rich nations of this planet. They sat while terrorists planned the deaths of thousands of Americans. They employed thieves of the Defense budget like Halliburton and other “private” profiteers.That administration was directly responsible for the deaths and casualties of over a hundred thousand American  armed forces personnel. Governing with fear as an alternative threat at every turn, they wrecked home security and travel freedom forever by not pursuing the terrorist leads and condoning the al-Qaida gang. Which, was simply that, a “gang” with  impotent leadership, that is being erased by President Obama’s military and security leadership.

These Republicans fostered racism to the maximum. Fueled by greed, elitism, and absolutely evil intent they robbed the surplus. They slept on the national threat warnings and sent the economy into a free fall, a depression  with their larcenous financial plots. They promoted  doomed institution policies and a heartless approach to labor that wrecked  the auto industry.  They continuously threatened unions with other maneuvers. This is, in fact, what the President inherited when he won the election of 2008. Equality mandates equal justice for all.

Why weren’t they prosecuted? Yes, the spineless self serving Democrats who supported these policies should be included.

This lapse has set the table for the Tea party. It has given exposure to a sordid primary process of opponent dribble with the Republican opponent, after a putrid selection of choices, finally, a clueless veteran of elite mental vacuums and detachment from reality with not one shred of integrity or ability for begiinnings. This “postponement” has allowed time to have some discussion for his and their “sick”perspectives.

Bottom line or to be blunt, this election is about Racism at the core and self impressed controlling elitists desperately trying to continue their decadent inhuman practices into the future.

Healthcare, Education and Civil Rights, specifically Gay’s right to marriage are issues that are being reset presently to the benefit of mankind and not just the United States alone.

Sadly, This has promoted conversations that contained speculation on how can the Republican party be ever again taken seriously.

Their refusal to be honest or humane is overwhelming. It has been offered that these Republicans are the dimwitted descendants of the founding fathers from Europe’s trash pile. Some distinguished “founding Fathers” were “evicted” from Europe.Their religion and their daily practices were deemed less than sensible or even tolerable as far back as the 17th century. Yes, they were told to leave the continent or face the gallows. Our luck has some them as our forefathers.

The native American was the first casualty of these charming immigrants. That this group has been mating for four hundred years with the descendants of the pile of trash that was in Oglethorpe’s Georgia colony leads to a really scary horror movie plot except this is not the movies.

In my loose imaginings,  no other option seems to lead toward such evil and stubborn resistance to progress.

As a proud American on this Memorial Day, I eagerly look forward to the freedom for the right to vote..again.

This time for confirmation of the progress we have started. This time with the hope that the unfinished business will be addressed to  honor all that has been sacrificed  and died for.This time to eliminate the current possibilities  of threats  to our peace, our liberty, and our individual pursuit of happiness forever .

Duty Driver Day

This day began approximately eleven months after June 6, 1960. Private Tan Renrut entered the U.S. Army on that day. I suppose if he had wanted to he could have checked the date those southern Americans burned a interstate commercial bus down to the wheels. Then he would’ve known what day he had been assigned to duty driver.

Tan chose to enter the Army after spending his first year in college. He was a student in good standing at Wayne St. University. Never failed a course was what he told me. He needed insurance for the baby his college girlfriend was beginning to swell with, so he joined the Army hoping for a career after Officer Candidate School and a glorious experience as a warrior in his country’s service.

Of course, he could have chosen to not marry her or even to abandon her but Tan had a conscience and this wasn’t the first pregnancy in his life. Surely this child would have been aborted or something else, he thought,  if he didn’t “do the right thing”. He had felt the pain and shame of abortion from his high school sweetheart’s tragedy and he was humbled and traumatized by that. To think of what she had endured was forever a sharp pain in his psyche and soul.

He and his college buddy were really close. They spent all available time together and making love continuously, effortlessly, intensely…playing singing and dancing. Yes, that was what they did..Young love it was he married this African American with pretty blue eyes..Yes, from Louisiana with blue eyes, a really fine looking thing she was ..What a body too.She was also smart and self-respecting in every way but she was pregnant.  They married and he went to Ft.Knox, Kentucky. They were eighteen years old.

She went to live in New Jersey with his family while he pursued his career in the Army. Basic training followed in Ft. Benning, Ga.  with advanced individual training at Ft. McClellan Ala.

A moment here to reflect on Tan’s  upbringing. It was in the northeast US. His neighborhood was ethnically and culturally mixed but it did seem odd that often whites hung with whites and blacks/negroes stayed with their own..It was unwritten in the Northeast ..just ..seemingly”understood”..Tan had difficulty understanding that. He chose his friends and foes freely on both sides of the fence..He lived on the border street of the white school district. Not knowing that was why he had been attending the “white” schools. He was comfortable wherever he sat.

The white policemen were nasty he thought but they had a nasty job. He thought it went with the territory. His family was proud African-Americans.They took serious pride in being black and being proud of the heroes of that day..Joe Louis, Jackie Robinson, Sugar Ray Robinson, Kid Gavilan, Nat King Cole, Ella Fitzgerald, Sarah Vaughn, Billy Eckstine.Oh , hell yeah..they all were so damn good, his Dad always said..His Dad was a great baseball player would have been in the majors if they hadn’t been segregated. Everybody in his family was “good-looking” and could dance and sing all they wanted to. His family thought that the one or two black policemen were Toms but they did have a job so that wasn’t the worst thing. They were not friends of the family though and definitely didn’t deserve to be trusted.

Tan didn’t realize the Army was “integrated ” only eight years before his induction. He had only been in the south twice on his Uncle John’s farm briefly when he was four years old.His grandfather was a WWI vet and father WWII vet. He was made to be a soldier.

He left Ft.Knox due to crowding and was convoyed by the Army to Ft, Benning,.Ga. Encountering racism all the way, he was baffled. “It did not make sense to me” , he told me.

Signs at gas stations and restaurants  said “We Don’t serve no niggers”,..watercoolers with “white only” on them while rusty pipes with water running out were signed “for colored”

This was 1960 United States of America, his country,  he knew.   He did not know this.. “It really was pissing me off”, Tan said but “I kept my cool”.

Eleven months later he had been assigned to Ft.McClellan after Chemical Corps school. He had been waiting to be processed to OCS for five months. Naive, but no longer blind, Tan did his duty. McClellan was also the Basic Training post for the Women’s Army Corps. So with Chemical, Biological and Radiological warfare as his  MOS he had the liberty of sharing a post where the women outnumbered the men six to one. He did not ever think that his Officer School papers were being trashed. That his prolonged stay there was deliberate because of the racism that is still systemic in his country. No Tan was too naive to go there…then

Then that Sunday in May came. Tan was assigned to be Post duty driver. Not the worst duty he thought.Class “A” uniform, ..his style..loved his spit shined boots..five creases starched shirt/Khakis. It was a warm sunny spring day, slow..everything seemed to be on easy that day.

The First Lieutenant, the officer of the day, summoned Private Tan Renrut to his office..told him he was to go into town to pick up a Colonel coming in from Ft. Belvoir, Va. at the bus station. The town, 13 miles south of the fort, was Anniston, Ala.

Private Renrut was driving a U.S Army loden green sedan, four-door, 1960 Chevrolet .with official white numbers and lettering. A stick shift on the column, Private Renrut was in his element driving..The bus from Belvoir/ Washington was due in at 1700 hrs. It was 1630 hrs. when he pulled his official vehicle up in front of the Anniston Bus Depot.

There was a mob, major mob, in front , men and women,  mostly men in front. They were blocking the driveway which exited in the front and the buses entered in a circular fashion from the rear. Private Renrut exited his vehicle and started for the driveway but the mob cursing and uttering racial slurs and epithets were blocking his way.  He knew them by now. Armed with farm tools, old rifles, shotguns, sticks, axes, teeth missing they were a sorry lot he thought.Fear wasn’t there at all then.Just some crazy ass crackers on the shuffle was the way he processed it.He walked around the mob and up the driveway to the “colored” entrance.

Something was strange though. He could feel it in the air. He walked proudly and strongly into the station. He saw the porter as he heard him exclaim..”God Damn, Boy” Wat you doin’ in here”..he was on his knees scrubbing the floor..Renrut was startled..”I came to pick up a Colonel coming in on the bus from Washington” he said to the porter.The porter’s face was twisted with fear ..His eyes were bulging as he said “You better get yo ass outa here. Them damn peckerwoods done burn the bus down to wheels and riotin” and beatin peoples all  up all over the damn place…”

“Then my heart was beating,” Renrut told me ..beating so fast and hard I could feel it like a drum on the outside of me..He jumped in the phone booth and called the fort. The lieutenant answered and Tan told him the news..The Lieutenant said, “Oh Shit, I forgot about that Renrut, forget about the Colonel and come back to the fort.”…and hung up. Tan didn’t have to call him back for instructions or help.He knew he was on his own…

Before he exited the colored depot he knew that his vehicle was parked in the front with that mob of crackers around it and all in the driveway but he was thinking, using those innate instincts from his deepest kidnapped ancestors. I am walking out towards the back was his plan, walking until I get around the curve and then I am going to run like hell around to the front they will be following me but I will be..running like hell by the time they get to the top.

As he walked out the door and headed to the back he heard someone say”there’s one maybe he wants some too”..he was on total edge now but he stayed with the calm walk until he turned the curved corner of the upper driveway then he busted it out..combat boots, class “A” uniform on the double time like never before…They were running behind him.He saw his vehicle and was getting his keys out as he came upon it.Opening the door, key in the ignition, starting it up all at the same moment The women had remained by the car. .One jumped on the hood as the car kicked over.He was putting the pedal to the metal as he shifted and popped that clutch.Took that biddy for a short ride on the hood before she fell off to the side…

Now, he was moving through Anniston and he was thinking too.With tears in his eyes, about being in uniform ready to give his life for his country, their country, about his father and all the others who had gone before him, worked and died..for this? be chased and…. …………..he seethed…

He was going to be sent to Germany rather than be processed to OCS from here he had been told..His grandmother had sent his wife and six-week-old son to be with him in “Bama that past Christmas because “married people should be with each other if they could”.

..He thought and seethed some more..He was going to have to take the bus with them on it to wherever to get out of Anniston.

He stopped at the Black Cab station and bought his first pistol for $12.00…

No, they were not going to do this to him or his family ……He had it on him at the ready as he and his small family boarded the bus to Atlanta two weeks later…

A true story….

The Deliverance of the Giants..or The Genius of Jerry Reese

 It seems that I and the Giant world  must continue to live with Coach Tom Coughlin. On the eve of preparation for a return to the Super Bowl with the formidable New England Patriots, the success of winning the last five games in a row would make it a difficult time to change coaches.

The question surely is fitting as to why a change would be necessary after such success. A moot question at best because he will be staying. The answer never the less is forthcoming.

He, Tom Coughlin,  chooses a very strange and dangerous method of utilizing his players. He gives no recognition to his players unless urged. He has caused players to be hurt  and waived do to personal issues.The misuse of Brandon Jacobs, for one, the over exposure of the great Eli Manning to injury  for the other.

On Brandon Jacobs, he has chosen to NOT give this great player consistent opportunities to run the ball. Consistent being 20-25 carries per game. This a critical factor with big running backs and a religious factor in football by all other coaches with a powerful runner.The use of D.J. Ware and the abuse of Ahmad Bradshaw, with a critical injury to his foot are the options he has chosen this year. The cost is lack of ball control, excessive exposure of defense and losses to Seattle and Washington etc.  It is no accident they have to make their run on the Super Bowl on “the road” again, rather than the friendly home field in the Meadowlands. Brandon is a healthy  6’4″ running back who can catch, block and run the forty yard test in 4.5 seconds or better.

On Eli Manning over exposure to possible injury due to predictable passing attack and unnecessary physical pounding by opponents defense..What are the Giants without Eli?

This is a personal opinion obviously, and I have attempted to express these errors in prior Giant posts.

The larger problem is that his strategies make winning more difficult and a uncertainty until the game is over. He is blessed with the best GM in the NFL and never ever gives recognition or credit in any way to this GM or the plethora of excellent players he is provided with.

Players have a limited time to be at their best in athletics.The possibility of injury and other interruptions to careers are a reality of life. Winning is the only goal and winning is what the Giants have  managed to do recently to save his job. He has existed on the edge of being fired many times. It is a wonderful fact that the Giants have continued to win. They win in spite of Coach Coughlin’s  ill decisions and mismanagement

The Giants win because of superior personnel, players to be more specific. In this difficult time of limited payroll flexibility and free agency the Giants are stocked with outstanding football players  at every position it seems. Eli is the elite and resourceful leader that quarterbacks must be. Running backs, linemen on offense and defense, special teams, wide receivers, it goes on and on. No other team in the NFL has these stalwart athletic people at every position.

This is because the Giant’s General Manager is a genius..He knows football and he knows who can play the game and who cannot. He knows the business end and how to negotiate with the agent representatives of the players. His name is Jerry Reese .

He did not choose this coach. I am certain he would be open to selecting another if the opportunity or need was there. He is proven truly uniquely competent because the players he selects cannot lose for long. They are simply too good.

Football is played on the field by the players. That fine edge of being a consistent and dominant winner comes with the knowledge of what to  use and when to use it. Coaching is the element that makes the difference here.

Coughlin will win because of his players. He will also cost the Giants great opportunity to be immortal by injuring players and letting them be waived for other teams to benefit. He will cost the Giants  home field advantage by losing games to weaker teams in the season. He will kill the opportunity for immortality by misusing the athlete or worse not using him at all. Jerry Reese cannot remedy this. Ownership has given Coughlin an “extended” stay over and again. I do wonder if he would be getting these chances if he was minority member….But,  that is a subject for another day.

I am a loyal Giant fan.

I, too, am ecstatic when they win. I am certainly glad Coach Coughlin can smile. Winning must be a great laxative too.

The Last Gasp of the Republican Party

 This month has given the world the benefit of witnessing an important phase of the American democracy at work.  What a benefit it is.  The Republican caucus and other primaries produced three different winners.. Yes, I did say “winners”.

Winners that left the country whining and moaning. Having said time and again in every way possible how deplorable this group is ,  it never ceases to amaze me how completely lax  or slow the media is about being honest to the public. I will not put much effort into clearing the media’s faults. Some of them I am sure are part of a greater or lesser plan that I am not aware of as a whole.

I will attempt to remind those that need reminding that this “group” is the same ilk that were feverishly active in the past administration’s actions. The last winner had the gall to proclaim and that he was the best choice because he was the only candidate  that could unseat the incumbent, or plainly put “get the  black man out of the white house”.

Yes, that’s what I said. This so called candidate offers that premise as his only value.

So that is their goal? The goal of the Republican party is to get”him” out of the white house.

Foreign policy, well being of citizens, education, erasing terrorism all are  secondary. The curious attempt at criticizing the economy rings true of serious mental deficiences at every level.

Briefly, claiming a”slow rate of recovery and high unemployment”is a insult to our intelligence. The ability to continue these insults appears to be the Republican commitment  more and more, especially when looking at their acts and inability to remember the past and how this prevailing crisis was developed.

They have exhibited a total lack of cooperation for any effort from this administration at every level particularly in addressing the recovery effort. The economy was on the verge of the second “Great Depression”(the first in ’33 was under a Republican administration also) when one of their group stated as early 2009 that their objective was making  certain Obama would not be reelected.

They have used any and every political maneuver to obstruct, delay or defeat any Democratic initiative. In spite of their efforts to “impede” for lack of a better word, we are seeing 20 consecutive months of private sector job growth without their help in any way.

The last gasp offers a clueless millionaire who steals and takes jobs from the poor,  a nice conservative naivete who clearly needs mothering desperately, a elderly citizen who is not taking all his meds  and last but not least, a  decadent egotistical liar, without grace, self- respect, any memory or morals by his own admission..

Can we mercifully remove life support?