Dr. Papaknows…………….On the Ageing Process

The most important factor in healthy ageing is a genuine ability to enjoy what ever you are doing to the level of having “fun”. Using that word deliberately embraces your youth which seems to be the only time an mature adult was “eligible” for fun.

I can concur on some activities as being a bit risky for “fun” as an adult because the risk of life, limb, scandal on a bad day could bring consequences that will definitely compromise enjoying the rest of your  life.

That said , Dr. Papa set a standard for adult “fun”  by the elements of his life that fulfilled his definition of enjoyable.  Number one on the standard list is Sex. This wonderful opportunity to share each other, express all the things and feelings expressed non verbally …was meant to be enjoyed . As often as possible without ever doubting your entitlement and realizing above all that making love is not a possession of youth at any  level.

It also provides the opportunity to perpetuate future lives…Everybody has  a major moment in deciding what  Sex is to them…..but as often as you can have this fun….It will keep you connected to your youth….?

The Police…A New Centurion..Most Needed Civil Servant

To be a Police Officer, a protector of the people ,the property and the values of our society is an honor.  Yet these stalwarts are taken for granted. The production line of human garbage is older and more intense than any assembly line. The determination for being refuse is usually defined by our laws in our courts. However some crimes are clearly beneath the level of humanity and this trash has to be


The first time I met the good Dr.Papaknows I was trying to understand the reason most pertinent rational about infidelity or cheating. Regardless of the initiator, cheating  or infidelity is a major factor in divorce, orphans and  violence .

It , is a human problem from the earliest humans ..Hmm animals, Bears ,canine and feline species do not seem to be as disrupted as we humans are.

Dr.Papa seems to offer a broad spectrum of resolutions but the issue is not the act of copulation usually less than an hour,The issue is the time spent apart and the lies and conflict that occurs when having a dual agenda of any kind. For instance , when making love….it is a figurative and literal blessing to have oragsm in the reasonably same moment but for the male her orgasm is an annointment a obvious example of her sharing the ecstacy…on his appendage…to heal a distnt : marriage”..the good doctor says vibrators are toys and can never be the source of her joy if she can bless her/boy? or …Don’t bless the toy when you can bless the boy

The Treasure Chest of Ponce De Leon

The School of life is what every human being is enrolled in at birth. The curriculum is often depicted as an opportunity for the student  to choose subjects or lessons to learn. Some students have a very severe and obviously challenging beginning and the path will be defined by said “limitations”.

The goal in life is to continue living as long as possible for most people. Death is inevitable, it seems. Surely, the flesh or body dies over a period of time. The efforts to sustain vitality and youth are legend. The dying process has been retarded.

Science, technology and literacy are all working in harmony  to eliminate disease, poverty, and squalid living conditions. The lessons that an individual will learn on their personal private path in life are the most necessary contributors to living long.  Being as emphatic and detailed about personal health needs  is mandatory.

Mental health is somehow assumed or taken for granted. Daily life dictates and expresses the state of health in everyone. All of the issues of the day have a voice in your mental health.The reward is often just living free and without burdens or baggage however short the life.

Anger….the most self-destructive  emotion.  One is immobilized by anger or should be. A person cannot do anything at all positive or good when angry. If a act is done or something said while angry that act or statement will begin to magnify the worst previous moment tenfold.

So, let’s not be angry? Only if you really want to be shed burdens and baggage…. which might contribute to looking young…er  and living longer ….

Another precious jewel in the chest is the act of “making love”. Surely, Coitus is not a possession of the young. A  brief examination assures all that intercourse is the vehicle through which all life is conceived. It was meant to be enjoyed and practiced as much as possible. The benefits are far too numerous to list.

Make no mistake..a active sex life is essential to being ,happy, content and living a life of vigor .

What about  a happy, content, active celibate?

Afghanistan…….time to leave

bags of cash being delivered by CIA..to Karzai….while we Americans have to struggle..Hungry and often without money we all push forward.

Being without “money” is a overwhelming problem…It is the edge of major crises for everyone  who experiences that.People do evil or bad things to overcome or compensate  for that  dilemma..Murder, steal, manipulate the unprotected and of course, use and sell drugs…So why can’t we take of our own rather be victims of extortion via terrorists and other criminals. Billions of DOLLARS in cash to Afghanistan…leaders and “business men is a farce and reduces all the possibilities of being better …Drones …do their job…Bin Laden is dead…..getting out ASAP is the only action that makes sense.

The Blog that became a Book

Beginning  in 2008 EdwardsJournal was a blog committed to the Presidential election of that year. As the year progressed it became glaringly apparent to me how compromised our democracy had become. The issue at hand was the possible election of a African American  to the presidency.

GrandPop and the Cops……

 Moten Taylor was talking about grandparents . In this case, the most unique grandfather he had ever known or heard of. This Grandfather had so many moments of lasting reflection that Moten finally decided that  he would just live with the”Dude’s ‘(grandfather)memory and incidents intruding  on his daily life.

It made me think of my Grandfather who was surely a work of human art himself. He was born in North Carolina in ’88. Soldon was his name. His legends were many, from craft”could build a house without the blueprints,”to sports ..Boxed the weekends after working all week ,20 or more rounds against the other “laborers” from rival farms. It was said that he drove trucks for the bootleggers in Jersey during prohibition. He also loved and respected, protected the women. My grandparents had 13 children. 

But this is about meeting the police as a African -American in the wilderness of North America .

expand on  virtue of keeping your word..on death agreement w/creator…millions ..for sure turned down because of the angel that took the vest…living with that other scenario was always too horrific and degrading ..although he still wonders about that long obscene money

Another splendid summer day was what the weather man had called it. First week in August was as close to memory as he could remember it. He would never forget that August day.

It was eleven or so in the morning. GP was sitting on the steps to the complex he lived in. The  community pool was full with the shore residents. GP was living on the fifth floor with second wife and family.