Oil Spill ..revisited

    The great  Oil Spill of 2010 has been successfully plugged. That wasn’t something that could continue , much to the dismay of the Obama haters.

Yes , it is sealed but more importantly , the victims are reaping the prospect of a new beginning thanks to this President’s diligence foresight and planning. No cost to the tax payer.. In fact, the money is being monitored and delivered on a timely and needed basis..Unprecedented in our annals to my knowledge..

There is more “good” news. The worst recession since the second world war has been declared ended. That deserves some thought. We are talking 65 years here. The economy is stable and on the growth side. Wall Street is smiling again or maybe for the first time in a long time too. Jobs are in the want ads again  and are being taken. US autos are gaining respect as they begin to thrive anew.

The dour , depressing, criminal  days of the last administration are no longer in the weather predictions ..except for the decimated remnants of the terminally polluted Republican party. The Tea Party, the Conservatives,  so called religious rightists,  are now exposed and the only common  threads are their unmitigated racism, yes, I said it,  bigotry,  and stupidity seasoned with perversion brewing in a pot of inhumanity.

Which brings me to the solution to that…problem.

I am not totally happy with our President..He has yet to hold the perpetrators of  the greatest crimes in the history of mankind accountable..Liars, murderers , crimes against humanity, thieves of the heart and soul of our personal self and of our purpose of our nation. They are still active although guilty many times over. Conviction would be a given if he only would say to AG Eric Holder , “take care of this business next”

Yes , it might be the end of “old times” for some,  certainly would clean a lot of trash out of the streets, while cleaning the environment  a bit too.  It also would complete his promise to us, and the world at large, to end the atrocities of the last administration.  He certainly has to be accountable for his actions, why shouldn’t they?

My Giants

  It hurts to talk about the Giants because it is my only team.

I love sports but  the Giants make it infinitely more personal. Suffering through their losses over the years and getting silly happy over their wins was all good as we say today, but the stench rising from the camp now makes it hard to breathe . I have smelled it before coming out of Jacksonville awhile back.Then it was burning my nose hair before they hired Steve Spagnola from the Eagles to save their last Super season.

In between that odor offended many people, players in particular. Great athletes quit the game because they could not play and  gag at the same time,Tiki Barber, Mike Strahan for two.Of course it contributed to injuries and loss of players through other residual effects that tossing your goodies could easily be connected to.

It has become a dark day as of late because the malodorous aroma  has been totally difficult to ignore ..except by brown nosing friends and bigoted press .

To be blunt..The coach, Tom Coughlin, probably a good person, caring parent and family member, this is speculation, absolutely is “clueless ” as football coach  and that is the source of that overwhelming odor that surrounds my team.

Who else would expose a injured player, Aaron Ross off of  rehab to the kamikaze special teams on his first game back?..Who else would risk their franchise quarterback to injury again and again with idiotic transparent play calling?  But,for  the icing on the cake , keep his best runner, a true cannon on the bench.A player every other team in the league would commit an assault to get if they did not have to pay some penalty. A player who is being paid 25 million dollars  to sit..He has done this before..He inflated another player to the detriment of his other players, owners, fans and thus producing a losing season,… and caused serious injuries to the “Cannonball”Brandon Jacobs and others by calling the wrong running plays and strategies .Oh, the inflated player is..Derrick Ward who is ….I don’t know where he is now but he got paid thanks to “Clueless Tom”.

If this seems personal about Tom Coughlin, It is!  I think I said that before..

In conclusion, I always want the Giants to win and I have been wrong before. There are so many other”incidentals” it would seem a bit “bitchy” of me to whine on.

The  Chicago Bears , today’s opponent, are good test..Ironically the Giants had a choice of Coach Lovie Smith when they chose Tom Coughlin. The Giants have great players , a legendary young GM in Jerry Reese. I hope for their sake Tomtom doesn’t take any one else with him when he goes.

Oil Spill

            First,   I like Mr. President , Barack  Obama . Why, you ask?

It seems to me that all the problems in this administration’s  tenure are being addressed and taken care of.  A sensible clear approach with consideration for everyone involved seems to be the plan…without a prepared script.

This oil spill is a disaster of epic proportions. It is a shock and horror on all living creatures including mankind, especially in this gulf region.  Mr. Obama insists on “hands on” direction.. He then chooses responsible competent people  to lead, to solve and apply solutions  as his delegates.

In this case, what is truly significant is holding  BP  accountable and,  being responsible, powering in a factor to more than compensate for the financial loss,  cost  and retribution to impacted families and business.

It cannot be any better.

The leak will be plugged at some point or capped.The clean -up will be done.

Over a period of time the Eco/environmental  loss will be rehabilitated and reestablished all under BP ‘s commitment to pay for all themselves..All?..Yes,  ALL.

They did it and they will pay for it.  This is the best part.    MONEY from  BP  to immediately help sustain and to insure that the victims, people and other life forms won’t be suffering …too long.

Compensation  for the victims….sounds like a “won” case in U.S, civil court with the trial being held already and… well, you understand where I am going.

This Mr. President, is a professional legal advocate for the people.  Final estimates and figures have yet to be noted but twenty billion dollars out of the gate is not a bad start..It could be major depending on what follows. This could change the future of the whole south in a very positive way ultimately.

Ironic,  this dour, sad, scary moment being the dawn of a new beginning,  a brighter day forever, …. for the South.

Interesting Times

It has been a while since my last post. Many events have happened. The natural phenomena earthquakes , floods , volcanic ash all have  surely  occurred before. The elected leader of the most significant nation  on the planet , an African-American, is a stunning first. Certainly to me..

It began with the defeat of Hillary Clinton, at least my being stunned did. As her defeats mounted or as Barack Obama began  winning I thought it was some diabolical plot by the opposition to make it more possible for McCain-Palin  to win.  No, I could not see , dared not think that an African American male could be elected  president of the United States, the Leader of the free world ?..That was not even a joke at that point.   Then it Happened

Barack Obama won the election.

In the eighteen months  of his administration I have seen and felt the wave of relief and hope for the future that simply was not there before now. His courage, his heart  is always visible and he can think and talk clearly about what he is thinking and doing..too!

It was a bit much at one time don’t you think? Anyway,  he,  this Mr. President,  proceeded to stop the economy from a dead fall, this included keeping banks and financial institutions/industries from collapse…all against republican adversity, lies , and nuisance obstacles.

Iraq,  a dastardly,  embarrassing page in US history forever,  is almost free of US service men deaths.

A depression, not recession , escape by his initiatives all with complete opposition from the republicans…Good thing they lost in 2006 but don’t remind them…So he. and  the weak kneed Democrats had to do it by their  selves .

In eighteen  months  a definite positive change in social and economic climate except for the hate mongering right wing radicals and conservative microscopic minds that controlled the pathetic past president , who some say, may have been..”challenged” all his  simple life. They  seem to be more visible and totally unapologetic about their deviant behavior.

The Health Care initiative or  bill is not only a necessary asset to all Americans, it has been prepared, detailed and accounted for since the first draft.  To the agony of all that are in need and would benefit immediately… waiting,..after unbelievable opposition by the same usual suspects ,the lame ass democrats managed to pass it … They need to be taken to the shed at least , Mr President for general principles.

But that is another thing for later..I see an obvious pattern here.

It seems that the GOP, Republican party, conservatives, Tea Party people do not want anything to pass from this administration  or be accepted. These same people who were voting for McCain, the War, all the horrible Bush administration actions. Actions   so abominable in every way mentionable that  they made the possibility to vote for an African American…..much easier. He won by capturing 70% of the first time voters…amongst other things….

The problem for all this administration’s “Ills”  can be addressed immediately and effectively by holding the perpetrators , better known as the Republican party accountable. Well, Oil leak in the Gulf  is really big and not included ..in these simple house cleaning problems

Yes , I said “house cleaning”   ..

These are the same people who voted for Bush, Cheney , Ashcroft (remember him?) . They lost a monumental election in ‘2006 that enabled this change to take roots. If they had controlled Congress that time none of what followed could have ever been possible. They lost in ’06 because the people had enough of their lies, self serving greed and inhumanity to mankind. Even though they lost they still did not get the message and that will be part of their next lesson but for now…..

Enough is enough

Criminals, War Criminals, traitors, perjurers,  should all be brought to justice, whatever the aftermath.Progress will be impossible if we permit them to escape accountability. All congressman who were supportive of their shameless efforts should be exposed and held accountable.

The Criminals first and foremost because they stole my country, my country’s moral respect and honor while continuing to perpetrate lies  by killing innocent humans on a staggering scale

If you give  Eric Holder permission to start the “house cleaning”  they, the “Republicans” will be so glad that Health Care passed, will love education and infrastructure initiatives..might even find a way to plug that oil leak..But  more importantly, they will know they  are accountable for their words and deeds…at last

I will not forget

This is the Republican party  of John McCain..

        The flag carrier for George W.Bush,  Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld,  John Ashcroft. These men have  left the party  without any dignity or respect .They could not show their face at their own convention. They are guilty of misleading my government , my fellow Americans with their lies, greed and mass murder.

        This has never been acceptable and they were so arrogant and so ruthless that they could not be mistaken or separated from it.. These vile people  could not find a candidate that was reasonably clean after disqualifying Giuliani, Hucklebee, and Romney ..All guilty  by association and support of that dastardly crew.

         Enter John McCain, Lt. Cmdr, not Commander, not Admiral who spent his war service as a POW ..A honorable man who has no history of thinking independently , he chose ,under pressure, an obscure woman governor from the least populated state with very little traceable history or experience .It reeked of  a totally transparent attempt to pander and seduce the women of the United States. Could this be their their only possible plan?

         A plan to steal the election  with racism as their cloak and personal petty distractions as their weapons.  I will not forget  that this is a historic election not because of an  African American being eligible  or a  woman being on the ticket but because of the madness that has gone amok. Madness  that can be trapped and eradicated by honest citizens who are tired and no longer blinded  by the obvious attempts to distract focus.

          America is a microcosm of all that humans bring to this planet…Dreams  and despair, astounding success and crushing failure. All humans and conditions are here.  For two hundred and thirty years it has existed with the growing potential to fulfill a national goverment’s best standard.

          Now all the vermin and their ilk and their acts are exposed. Their acts are undeniable, their intent without question, their lack of decency or respect for humanity openly emphasized daily. .

           I will not forget this election provides an opportunity to clean house.. It is a fight , a true battle between have’s and have not . No punches are held back in a battle or fight such as this .  There is nothing to gain by holding back.  Poor and middle class whites and blacks see that they have been victimized..There is no reason to listen to liars and prevaricators with a history of continuing their insults through some distorted irrelevant  rhetoric. Their sons and fathers and, yes, daughters have died in Iraq. They have been denied access to education and health,   to say nothing of quality of life . A trillion dollars misspent if not stolen..Halliburton needs ..serious attention too..

            This is not personal although it can be felt by every person.  The gloves should be off .  This is a fight to correct the wrongs of mankind at this moment and in the right arena..my country, The United States of America….

             I will not forget….I will not………forget.

The Election……..after the shock

When the campaign began in 2007 for the next president and the administration that he would be representing…the war  was an atrocity and crime against humanity, the economy was a  ongoing scam that was failing miserably in every  way, the general health of mankind was obviously neglected and deliberately mismanaged for the profit of private interests.  The abuse of power, and callous disregard for all humans especially the poor, the minorities, was evident beyond any denial.

The incumbent administration and their elected leaders and representatives were gross in their guilt and their lack of any integrity.This had set the stage for a complete although overwhelmingly late reforming adjustment to truth, and self respect .

The shock of the results of of the primaries paralyzed me .The fear of the continuance of atrocities and horror that would have been at the very least placed in another human’s hands was only relaxed by the fact that that different human would be a woman…..for the first time. She was defeated .

I am certainly not above being wrong but I am no longer as naive as I was…The result is ominous..Since the primaries they have attacked Obama in every way that was not a possibility for Hillary Clinton. Personal, snide,  cynical  racist  comments and innuendos have prevailed and distracted the focus.

The point is that this is not about any person per se or a popularity contest. This election is about issues and injustices that has affected the world, the country,the neighborhood, the individual for longest of measured time..The fact that this time this administration has been so irresponsible, so arrogant, so racist, greedy. inhuman in so many ways, without any doubt and above all with no conscience or regret in any way  has provided a perfect opportunity to clean the slate.

They have provided a lists of continuing facts that are not at all vague or unclear:

-The War in Iraq and the lies to justify it

– The rape and pillage and atrocities that followed

-Abu Gharib


– Poverty in this country and contribution to poverty in underdeveloped nations

-Corrupt officials…Halliburton

– Economic failure

These are just the known issues. These are the dangers to our future that can be addressed and stopped..These are the stakes in this election .These  are the subjects that should be held in priority at every opportunity..The perpetrators, yes, perpetrators, should be held accountable.

The Election

The presidential election of 2008 has become the most significant election in the history of the United States.

The incumbent Republican administration is a growing dysfunctional embarrassment at every level.Beginning with the election of 2000 and the crimes that were committed to deny an honest result ,to staging an unjust conflict that has cost the country it’s best citizens , best soldiers, balanced economy, world respect at every turn.

To have a woman as a candidate was a shocking first.To see her lose to an African American man in the primaries was stunning at every primary..The thought that racist America could have a “Black” president has defied sanity..and it has yet to happen but this candidate is intelligent, honest, and above all organized and supported…

This present administration has also defied sanity and has been so destructive to the American values , ideals, and everyday fabric of the country that the unthinkable has become a sensible option to all , even the bigots and racists and elitist are revolted by the lack of purpose, integrity of this group of thieves and war criminals..

The rest of the world is almost glowing with the hope and change that this candidate promises …Maybe America is really a beginning of all the best in governments, the leader in human freedoms and the cornerstone of all humanity existing in a growing peace, harmony and purpose for everyone

The Honor of being a Parent

Parents do not have to be perfect to have exceptional children. I heard or read that somewhere and totally agreed. My thinking being that perfect humans have not existed in my life to this date. However, all children have the possibility of being exceptional especially when loved, protected and nurtured by their parents.

Sports…The Arena where humanity proves that they can be one

The team to shine a light on is the World Champion New York Giants of 2008..

The athlete that is standing so solo is the most dominating competitor in all sports since records have been saved….Eldrick “Tiger” Woods…

The dawning of a new hero in the sport of kings…Big Brown ,a magnificent horse, undefeated and obviously feeling his oats is on the threshold of breaking a three decade drought…winning racing’s triple crown… which he will do…for all that bet..

Our lives at risk

I disagree with my government on a number of things. Some of them I cannot begin to justify or see the value in their actions at all.

The issues that stick in my mind above all are fathered by capital punishment. It is not a solution for justice to anyone. It does not deter murder or atrocities against mankind. War is an atrocity: planned murder on a mass scale.

Capital punishment always is another…murder — a homicide that is planned and sometimes celebrated. How can that ever be a deterrence? The only deterrence for killing is not killing. There are other options for eliminating vermin. There are ways we can isolate and maintain control of threats. We cannot redeem our pain and suffering as victims. Does capital punishment help that? How does perpetuating killing make us feel better?

Every life has a right to live, and in those lives lies the salvation and hopes for the better life, growth, and even to the extension of our collective human life to include our personal joys and pleasures.

If capital punishment helps at all, would it be as gratifying as knowing that you are not a killer or a partner in taking life? Taking a life deprives humanity of that individual’s gifts or purpose to help us live. Could our accomplishments possibly have been increased or enhanced if so many humans have not been murdered? Is War “mass capital punishment”? Is War a cruel and inhumane game played by effete and selfish men that never ever was good for all ? Surely, it is without any worth except to remind of us of how stupid and heartless we can be . How many innocent victims die simply because we accept killing?

We must resolve to support and even cherish all life with a clear emphasis on human life at every opportunity because it is our life that we are …..saving