Egypt….an inevitable…Libya…another story

        The change from Hosni Mubarak to a new administration is long over due..Now that the change is a reality the trend is to link it to some specific political agenda. An agenda that has been identified and categorized if I may use that  broadly.

The reality is that it does represent a change in government,  in the heart of that turmoil called the “Middle East” .

The murky details coincide with the recent murky history of new administrations in that area of our planet . Libya was following suit or change was being introduced  there too. That change is a work in slower progress due to a more resistant and brutally decisive leader, Moamar QuaDahfi. Ruthless  is another credit attributed to him often.

The most common events in both of these ongoing changes are the increased death toll and the statistical fact that most of the victims, fatalities are Muslim in faith. Islam being the national religion means they are killing each other….Killing and maiming each other.

A civil war of some sort, that would suggest  but with a curious abundance of outside participators, interests, and goals..

Freedom for the masses,  Control of the Oil , Taliban, Palestine and Israel at risk..

Then again, a closer view reveals that all that has really changed here were the excuses and rationale to justify the mass murder and other inhumanity to mankind that is impossible to hide….

Just knowing these acts are taking  place offends me. Hearing about it ,with skin color, religion, social economic  status as a “stipulation” of some sort to separate it from our personal lives or justify the toll  is insanity to me… I can easily resist that loss of my mind..

To be continued…….


….The events following the catastrophic earthquake lend much to the imagination.One does not have to wonder about the effects of the tsunami that followed. The disaster  was on every picture posted around the world. Videos will be testimony for ages to come.

The nuclear reactor meltdown  that followed is an ominous prospect for all who can read.    The containment and prevention of a continued or progressive calamity poses an endless problem . A very real threat to all mankind forever…

“Is that possible”  we ask..over and again….The answer comes only in our thoughts.  It is too final to state or face and address..openly, democratically..on the world stage.

Searching to assign blame is as much a waste of time as ever although that exercise is repeated over and over..

Chernobyl was a lower level of incompetence ……or was it? Nuclear waste is an inevitable by product of the industry. No one designed or planned a “safe” method of disposal.   What ?? How can that be possible?  It is possible..

Initially,  the nuclear question was probed and developed as a weapon…to kill. I am sure there were  other purposes in the grand scheme of planning and use but I remember bombs, a”Atomic , a Hydrogen”…and other titles that spelled doom in untold numbers as  an achievement. This wreaks of the worst irony doesn’t it?

Now, the unspeakable is have “we”(we are all here together if the water currents and air currents collaborate) slipped off the edge?  Are”we”so close to Japan?…Is my cat going to eat the wrong sushi and who knows? This is a  very small vehicle we all share as a space station, our Earth.

It is not at all too late to help others!

Japan needs help immediately..

We will be helping ourselves in that process.

It would also  be an  immediate  help to  commit to the preservation of all life,

the respect and compassion for all life ,as soon as possible.

Vow to help all other humans to be alive and well…..We still have time for that…

….Celebration of Change..Third year in the Making….

    This  year is seemingly charged with a series of actions and events that continuously stuns the senses..

The most interesting phenomenon to me is the implied existence of the “Republican”party….which,  is supposed to spawn a candidate to oppose the”Democrat” incumbent..I linked them both with amused speculation at best and this is why..

They no longer have the disguise, or ability to avoid being seen for what they truly are.

They are the  party that has an overwhelming void in decent, consistent, responsible, caring  and above all, thinking representatives.

Politics in itself has an odor but it is a necessary stench as a side product of the mixing of the individuals. Then, there are those that have a clear scent of their very own that they bring to the arena that is decidedly unpleasant. .This is not any relief from  other bad smells ever. The Republicans cannot stand the odor of each other since the election of ….an African-American.

They do not know what to say in public.

The cliches and bumper sticker phrases are an insult to everyone in it’s short life span..

The Tea party faction was a party (no pun intended) joke which never was quite in the humor zone of most Republicans.

The conservatives cannot unite on what issue is primary or secondary for that matter..

The religious right and the “birthers’ are equally pathetic..

These, Ladies and Gentlemen,  are the Republicans…!!

The President has yet to remind them that they voted for and supported the leaders of the last administration. The names of those leaders  gag me a bit because I do not know why this President hasn’t held those past “leaders” or at least  some of them accountable for their lies, murders, conspiracies and criminal deeds..

Maybe, he is saving it for “new” campaign ammo. That would be a convenient time that the timing couldn’t complained about.

So now the “Republican” party is  reduced to a trillionaire as the leading candidate.  A trillionaire in bankruptcies is more accurate.This familiar face is “worn” by the man who is their leading vote getting prospect…. No extra ammo needed here..

It amazes me that their own decimation seems to evade their awareness . Perhaps,  this same blindness and lack of reality accounts for all their past crimes and injustices rationalized or dismissed as insignificant or worse, never occurring.

This”Republican Party”, all of them, are as good as done . Unless they can return to a time where racism, elitism, nepotism  human injustices are accepted ..That thinking never was really acceptable. The illusion is not  possible any more..

A Daddy Day

         It was one of those portrait Spring days..Late afternoon, birds singing freely now, Sun on the slow setting, flowers blooming so strong their fragrance wafting up to the second floor bedroom window.

Yes, Spring was in the air and The Daddy was laying in his bedroom listening to his music, smoking his favorite pipe. Things couldn’t be much better, he was thinking. The mortgage payment was made, shopping had been completed and the lawn and grounds were manicured.. Relaxing was the moment when he heard the shrill shriek of his….daughter, Sonde’….the baby girl.

She was the youngest, not a baby any more but Daddy’s girl forever , you know?

At best she was ten or eleven, but her shriek was a bit ungodly..Not the usual in any way…Dad jumped to the floor , pipe still in hand and an extra heartbeat or two for the jitters and  met the Sonde at the door.

“Dad,Dad” she was saying ..  ” A dog, a monster dog” was terrorizing the neighborhood “and had chased her and her friends with the threat of chewing each one up on the spot..”He is on our lawn “, she said…

Dad breathed a sigh of relief…A dog?..all that noise and calamity about a dog?  That was a bit much he asked her..She said, “No, Daddy this dog was different “

As she started to explain her fears about this …dog, Dad decided it would be more expedient to go downstairs and take care of this “emergency”.

He walked outside on the step plateau of entry , into the bright yet setting sun and looked down….as he heard a  most unearthly growl..The sunlight was blinding so he walked down the steps to see where this rumble was coming from..He saw…a over size malamute/husky/wolf-like animal, very big, the more he looked, turning on his lawn to face him.. Dad’s first thought was to get back into his house, his safe house… but the dog deliberately blocked the way..Now Dad’s heart was beating very fast and as he backed away the dog was meeting his eyes with that fixed stare..Dad stared back but now his thoughts had changed..

This was not going good was one thought..this could very well be a life changing moment …not the thoughts he felt good having . He watched the animal eye to eye..The dog’s growl seemed to get deeper and louder…. Then eye to eye..this dog took a long  piss on Dad’s newly manicured lawn!..

No, he didn’t do that…deliberately was one thought but …yes , he did..deliberate or not .  Dad had retreated to the sidewalk now.. All the neighbors were viewing, from a safe distance..the dog was on the sidewalk now too..Dad  asked his baby son to go get his hickory Stick ..A 6ft.long 3in. circumference stick that he kept for situations that got out of hand.. This clearly was one of those…..Man-man, that was the baby boy’s pet name ,went to get it . He brought back an old moping handle ..Not Dad’s keepsake in any way and tossed it to his father..Dad was shocked but this was not a time of many options ..He’d  rather hit this ,”foaming now at the mouth animal” across the back than have his ass chewed up in front of the world and be embarrased and wounded for eternity . “Damn “how did I get into this fix..was his thinking.

Dad’s lawn was on a raised plateau  with a very nice brick wall around it..the wall was high but the dog was walking in front , still eye to eye with Dad. Dad decided to strike first  and he did. He swung the mop handle to cut the dog in half..A loud snap followed and Dad was now holding a 2ft broken mop handle stick.It broke on the wall which was a fraction higher than devil dog’s back.

Ooooh, the chills went through Dad now . The dog seemed to sense that something had changed and Dad could see he didn’t like that stick that broke on the wall at all..Now , my turn he seemed to be grinning..Dad was in too deep to run now for sure he kept eye to eye contact with his predator. Dad cocked his broken stick like a miniature baseball bat and waited..

He could feel the animal’s muscles tensing , he watched the dog’s eyes…..the dog leaped… at Dad’s head or neck or face…but he was met in mid flight by Dad’s mighty stick …right in his open mouth. The blow spun the animal around in flight and when he landed he was bleeding, profusely, moaning and howling instead of growling  ..he limped off…leaving Dad in one of his most triumphant moments..

He saved his daughter..hmm, the neighborhood,maybe  but he surely saved  himself………..What a day ….

A real Daddy’s day…..

A true story…………..

The State of the Union….In Reflection….

             First of all,  many things were not mentioned in the “speech”at all.  The issues that were bemoaned by Republicans,  and disgruntled Democrats,   man in the street and the downtrodden,  as avoided or omitted  do have untold importance.

However,  these same issues  are all dwarfed by the success and accomplishments of this administration.

This is  now what the ” State of the Union ” really is..

The economy rescue from complete collapse continues to heal and grow strong

War and its casualties …..subsiding…

US Auto Industry resuscitated

Health Care Reform

Unemployment on the decline

Successes and Tragedies handled with competence and a sense of dignity and respect.

Exposure of the racist  right wing and it’s costume called the Republican party . These critics from  the Tea Party, Conservative Party, turn-coat opportunistic Democrats are the same flakes that supported the criminal administration  that preceded this major change.

They are truly still the only obstacles to progress.  Yes, these slow learners and self-righteous naysayers persist and slow advancement down in every way they can..They cannot stop it, however, and whether they know or accept it,  change ,  in it’s inevitable way,  has set in.

Change is reflected in the diplomacy with other nations, in the rise of democratic passion around the globe…Without rattling sabers this administration has charted a sane course through the minefield of international diplomacy.

An  economic and political  rapport with China

A nuclear Arms treaty with Russia

The US does not need to show it’s muscle to prove it has strength or resolution…

Change , a different time we are living in….

Catastrophe…….in Japan

    Words do nothing to describe the event that has mushroomed in Japan. The pictures take your words away..The thought of potential future ripple effects push beyond your worst nightmares or imaginings.

The reality is not to be escaped or denied. We are human and even in our safest abode, totally vulnerable,  to say nothing of our mortal destiny.

That said, then,” what else is there”?

There is still the precious blessing of living now, of having still the opportunity to ensure and and commit ourselves as a family of humanity, regardless of our terrestrial boundaries, and our different cultures,  skin color, or petty differences and goals.

Committing ourselves to helping each other without limitations, to the  preservation of all life at all costs.

To stop killing each other and start saving each other.

Yes, we can still do that .We have that choice in front of us .

Coming together to choose tools and methods to do this should be simple , easy, …..if we remain dedicated to our goal .

Feuds and reasons for not caring and not helping all humans to a better existence  seem so trivial  and worthless  in contrast.

To preserve the only jewel in our treasure which is  LIVING ,  being alive to enjoy that short period to which we all must  eventually surrender,

…that is all we have.

A New year…..Old Tragedy

               For the New Year  or any year the horrific act that played out in Tuscon, Arizona last week is shocking , threatening and heart felt by most all I know. The most disturbing fact about that incident to me is that it is “familiar”.. Not new in any way.

The victims  change . They are the famous and the infamous, the children and the aged, family and people whose names we cannot pronounce at all. All of us  are still exposed and vulnerable to senseless catastrophic violence. Yes, I say, murder, even singular is a catastrophe for all of us. People kill other people .  Suicide is a downer too even if the mortality rate is only one.

Since the earliest times  this option to choose life or death has been exercised with the choice of weapon(s),  or motive , offered like  appetizers  at a banquet.  Do they really make a difference?  The main course is “Death”,  to someone  or  more than one.  That is  always another tragedy when over…

Then where do we get to feel better.? When can we put this “accepted behavior” behind us . We as human beings who wish to live and live unafraid must choose not to kill….for any reason. Even  murderers should be free from being killed when brought to justice…..Yes, capital punishment is useless in preventing killing. It actually perpetuates the act by a  planned , deliberate,  public  display of killing .

This  humane act   is not a new concept in any way but  .. it must be the only way. Countries and governments that have abolished..”killing”  or capital punishment have  so much less of these….old tragedies

The Last Election

         The remnants of what was called the Republican party has claimed new victories in the election in November 2010.

The party that was shredded by their own incompetence . The party of that previous administration now  says they have new life.  The “Tea Party” seems to be the password among these people. Their hottest conversation is spawned by topics from the “birthers”,  or “repeal  of the health bill”.

Nothing…. about losing a half  of a billion dollars in aid for one state’s education system  or another quarter of a billion in aid for an overwhelming needed  mass transit tunnel after  one year in office in that same state.

Nothing ….about “Iraq”,  Enron, or Haliburton.

Unfortunately..,  for them,  they  refuse  to face  the  truth.  Like many of us,   they need help, ……serious intervention..

These Republicans were obstacles to all the successful  initiatives of the present administration . They were supporters and conspirators in the previous disgraceful decisions of the past .They have yet to account for their lies,  crimes, and human atrocities, okay, “political misdeeds” in the last administration. They are racists without shame .

The truth is  since they so poetically prepared the 2008 election for the victory of Barack Obama  and  his being in office for two years  ……change has become  evident ..

The economy has been rescued from free fall..

Financial Institutions are stable and have governors to monitor their  practices..

Disasters  have been handled with confidence and efficiency..

The Auto industry in the US has been resuscitated after flat lining..

A health care package for all has been passed…

War deaths have been  drastically reduced..

A  restoration of trust , belief ,  and  pride in being an “American”…

They, the Republicans or now, Tea Party, or, still have “no candidate” …They scurry and and shake the same old bags finding the same old vacuous and superficial phonies ..George Bush was their best!

That is  all history now ,  and soon …they will be too..

History harbors a lot of human ills that were overcome  or erased..

This past election is  largely a result of Obama not holding the perpetrators of past misdeeds  accountable . Some people need to  be brought to justice ..NOW…

As we see,    their “winning”  the past election brought their old habits  to the front immediately..  Reneging on campaign promises  and stuffing their pockets. ………..

One week in office….

Eric Holder must be given the directive to bring the liars, perjurers,  murderers , criminals of the past administration to justice . Cleanse the air.

This  cannot be ignored  much longer because these people need THAT  kind of  help…

We need that help too……..more than they do

Epitaph…..2010 Giants

    The odor that persists of the now “deceased”2010 NY Giants comes not only from their reluctance to fire or remove or retire their clueless coach….No, there is  an extra here..

A GM who has yet to be heard from..

Or why would ownership be speaking when a GM who happens to be a genius at picking drafts and replacement  is still in office..

This   coach, Clueless Tom Coughlin,..was never Jerry Reese’s , the(GM)s Choice. Legend has it that Wellington Mara thought Coughlin deserved a shot..A shot is seven years with a miracle and the following  casualties, four defensive coordinators,multiple   players,  fans, loyal fans,   team spirit and self-esteem/respect….

Jerry Reese was Wellington’s choice too, and Ernie Accorsi’s too..How about giving … Jerry Reese a shot….

Let the GM choose his coach like the other GM”s in the league do……Giants

Excruciating times…..

This crushing lost was delivered by the Eagles. It was not a surprise. This loss was agonizingly slow in it ‘s development . Every game  had elements of this loss exhibited by  the ineptitude of the coach to coordinate his players and their efforts to be  supportive or be in harmony. The power of an offensive running game, time control and management were most glaring.

All season the coach of the New York Giants was Tom Coughlin”. He has misused and abused players , and this classically upright sports organization with his lack of ability to understand or to try to work with his assistants. He is stubborn beyond belief and the Giants paid big time yesterday.

Eli Manning is not Michael Vick but he is a great athlete and quarterback . Brandon Jacobs , Antrell Rolle, Kenny Phillips and above all Perry Fewell deserve better.

There is no one else who would attempt to pass the ball with a 21 point lead in the last 8 minutes of the fourth quarter when he has runners like Brandon or the misused Ahmad Bradshaw, no one else. This “coach” causes injuries to innocent hard working athletes daily . He adds insult to injury by blaming others , i.e. Matt Dodge. The  general manager,  Jerry Reese, who has supplied the team year after year with the best drafts, and supplemental emergency players  in the NFL  has to endure perplexing decisions like placing Vincent Cruz on IR  for an emergency kicker replacement.. and countless ,over the years, other agonizing decisions by this coach..Yes, Tom Coughlin and only Tom Coughlin is the problem . The game on Sunday left no question unanswered about his lack of ability at any level to coach.

There is only one solution to this “hot mess”. Fire Coughlin, dismiss Coughlin ASAP..before he takes others down with him….

Oh yes , the game yesterday …horrific from a Giant fan’s point of view…but, then again,  Michael Vick is a great athlete and the last thing he needs is time to play, which “Clueless Tom” provided  over and again with his choice of plays and and wrong players in the wrong positions at the wrong time…Perry Fewell and his defense couldn’t overcome these setbacks .  Jerry Reese and the Giant’s fans and organization deserve better.

There are better coaches available…..The time is now……