Truth in America

The election is less than a month away. The issue is the economy for the Republicans. It was many things before but never the truth, especially with this candidate.
A last-man-standing choice in 2016, this compromised bore was the last man standing among 18 pathetic losers.
This bankrupt, tax, and draft-evading phony grifter was their choice for POTUS.

After Obama’s administration, the truth was no longer invisible or unaccountable. The country survived and flourished after 8 years of black leadership.
The truth about America was and still is racism. Cultivated and developed politically and economically in the US, with full knowledge of all the inhuman components known, this practice is centuries old here.

Time has changed everything except the mindset of the American way of being a determined racist. Studying and discussing was seen as progressive until the reality of peace, progress and a growth of harmony became undeniable under Obama. The GOP became disturbed to its core with this reality and a return to the ugly past was this decadent party’s goal.

The moral-less choice was accepted and the country was subjected to endless lies, grift, and ultimately the deaths of over 800k citizens due to his lies and incompetence.

This party has attempted to separate or distance itself from this despicable waste of human protoplasm for years, but years of practiced lies repeated lately have sealed its true fate.

His insanity is now evident and obvious with every appearance.

This unchanged diaper with legs is their leader for POTUS in 2024.

Unfortunately, he is not the total problem. The problem is this zombie party known as Republican on the ballot and this fact is confirmed by their support now and before of him.

The eradication via name change or some other drastic measure will be necessary for the few with testicular fortitude to progress.

The GOP or Republican party is finished.

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