The New President..and New World Participation?

Syria, a ancient, significant land and a vital part of the all so very important mid east, has set the table for the most recent buffet for the world and it’s leaders to dine on. The menu was most disturbing although the diners and the Chefs/staff were more than familiar.

The disturbing menu?..Death..served by one of the most horrific killers  known to mankind ever. Poison gas..Sarin…. to  be specific..Yes, we humans are all killers and we argue about what is “humane” in that process?

Assuming that we all really do want to “stop the “Killing”,   we all proceed and invest our hopes with that eventual goal……. Don’t we?  Summits, Conferences, Secret agents ,Diplomats all want to end the killing…..even Wars are  to stop the killing..right? Hmmm?

As a veteran of the U.S. Army, Chemical Corps, trained at the Chemical Corps School, Ft.McClellan Ala., my experience with our arsenal of the United States’, is first hand.

Although the letters CBR have some how faded from the use they represented …..Chemical, Biological(germ/bacteria), Radiological(nuclear) warfare…or… how we can kill individuals and masses  without guns, etc. about sums it all up…except  for the clean up and aftermath.

These methods are totally real and have been for a very long time…Scare stories valid or imagined are not ever a goal here. The fact that these “killers” seemed to be feared notably by all humans should not be taken lightly.. 

CBR weapons are just other tools of death.

Killing anyone for any reason should be stopped immediately..which sets the table for the buffet in Syria or has the predicted critical moment been resolved..for the moment, …..with arch enemy Putin in agreement?.

The New President continues to offer new leadership to differ sharply from the past… What?    He kills people too!!   Back to the drawing board? ..Not quite!

 I offer that this monumental effort(stop the killing) must have a declared  beginning! This must start somewhere, now,  and the effort to eliminate killing must not be ever  be  halted or stopped. A slow pace for many is unacceptable but  a slow pace is better than none. Ask any turtle. Diversions simply must be  frustratingly tolerated  to persist towards  the ultimate goal.

This goal will not be done  today or tomorrow but we must simply never ever stop the effort. The effort to end killing or taking life. Humans are a great example of life  to begin with.

That said, this President’s limitations are as long as most other humans, I am sure. His significant   contributions,however, are a challenge  for comparison. 

The list continues from the beginning of taking office to now…From the financial crises, to the Economy rescue, Industry and Auto salvation, Disaster Maintenance, choice of Judges, Cabinet, Office delegation, Drones and diplomacy. The air and Vibes are different now. 

 The Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan..saving lives now and in the future, the new leadership here and around the world is responding positively, to this “New U.S.” President.

A pact with Russia and China without rattling sabres?  Syria relinquishing chemical weapons.?..Really?..New diplomacy and Foreign Relations at work?……

A strange  challenge that still remains is working with  the terminally backward and deliberately resistant to any progress Conservatives, known as Tea Party/Republican …zombies. They actively do and will continue to persist in their denial of reality.

From Racism to  Lack of Gun Control, with senseless murders abounding at home  and  controlling any one’s life that permits, they proceed like no refutation of their pathetic lies and their twisted  anti-social practices had ever been presented or questioned. They now actually threaten to disrupt government in an extortion attempt to interrupt health care or Obamacare ,which is now federal law of the land.

Unfortunately, these bizarre continuances confirm a offering of multiple mental abnormalities that assuredly threatens  all others on many levels.

At some point or at every time opportunity avails itself. these issues and people must be addressed  and checked..over and again until their actions are no longer  tolerated!

Our freedom, love of same and all that it entails is always at risk when these issues and the people who support these issues  are not confronted and held accountable.

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