This year is seemingly charged with a series of actions and events that continuously stuns the senses..
The most interesting phenomenon to me is the implied existence of the “Republican”party….which, is supposed to spawn a candidate to oppose the”Democrat” incumbent..I linked them both with amused speculation at best and this is why..
They no longer have the disguise, or ability to avoid being seen for what they truly are.
They are the party that has an overwhelming void in decent, consistent, responsible, caring and above all, thinking representatives.
Politics in itself has an odor but it is a necessary stench as a side product of the mixing of the individuals. Then, there are those that have a clear scent of their very own that they bring to the arena that is decidedly unpleasant. .This is not any relief from other bad smells ever. The Republicans cannot stand the odor of each other since the election of ….an African-American.
They do not know what to say in public.
The cliches and bumper sticker phrases are an insult to everyone in it’s short life span..
The Tea party faction was a party (no pun intended) joke which never was quite in the humor zone of most Republicans.
The conservatives cannot unite on what issue is primary or secondary for that matter..
The religious right and the “birthers’ are equally pathetic..
These, Ladies and Gentlemen, are the Republicans…!!
The President has yet to remind them that they voted for and supported the leaders of the last administration. The names of those leaders gag me a bit because I do not know why this President hasn’t held those past “leaders” or at least some of them accountable for their lies, murders, conspiracies and criminal deeds..
Maybe, he is saving it for “new” campaign ammo. That would be a convenient time that the timing couldn’t complained about.
So now the “Republican” party is reduced to a trillionaire as the leading candidate. A trillionaire in bankruptcies is more accurate.This familiar face is “worn” by the man who is their leading vote getting prospect…. No extra ammo needed here..
It amazes me that their own decimation seems to evade their awareness . Perhaps, this same blindness and lack of reality accounts for all their past crimes and injustices rationalized or dismissed as insignificant or worse, never occurring.
This”Republican Party”, all of them, are as good as done . Unless they can return to a time where racism, elitism, nepotism human injustices are accepted ..That thinking never was really acceptable. The illusion is not possible any more..
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